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OE_Esp2 Unit 2 Cita

OE_Español2 Unit 2 Cita

llega he/she arrives
bailan they dance
está secando el pelo drying his/her hair
se ducha he/she showers
prende he/she turns on(device)
lleva he/she takes or wears
arranca he/she turns on(motor)
le pregunta he/she asks him/her
está vistiéndose dressing
toca a la puerta knocks at the door
está listo ready
el refresco the refreshment
tropieza he/she trips
llama he/she calls
maneja he/she drives
el maquillaje the makeup
se afeita he/she shaves
derrama he/she spills
contigo with you
conmigo with me
se ve mejor he/she looks better
se ve peor he/she looks worse
nunca never
a eso de at around
rizando curling
se le cae he/she drops it
comienza(empieza) he/she/it begins (an event)
sin parar without stopping
consigue he/she obtains
se cae it falls
me caigo I fall
te caes you fall
está maquillándose putting on makeup
se cepilla he/she brushes
conduce drives used in Spain
todavía still
lleváme take me
la mujer the woman
a las nueve y media at nine thirty
se pone puts on
se viste dresses
Created by: rnodarse
Popular Spanish sets




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