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GRE idk 01

diminutive (a.) smaller than average
caustic (a.) harsh or corrosive
incredulous (a.) skeptical
stolid (a.) unemotional, not easily excited
inveterate (a.) firmly established in a habit
nebulous (a.) unclear or vague
sinuous (a.) full of curves; twisting and turning
clandestine (a.) done secretly
determinate (a.) having distinct limits
fallacious (a.) misleading; based on incorrect information
overweening (a.) arrogant; excessive
impetuous (a.) characterized by excessive haste and lack of deliberation; moving with great force and energy
insidious (a.) slowly and subtly harmful
onerous (a.) burdensome; oppressive
apocryphal (a.) of questionable authenticity
ingenuous (a.) innocent, naive; honest
winsome (a.) charming
ephemeral (a.) lasting a short time
garrulous (a.) talking too much; wordy
inchoate (a.) just beginning to develop; lacking structure or organization
prodigal (a.) extravagantly wasteful
perfunctory (a.) done hastily and without attention to detail; indifferent
perfidious (a.) intending to betray
choleric (a.) easily angered, irascible
emollient (a.; n.) soothing; a soothing substance
pedantic (a.) overly concerned with formal rules and details
fatuous (a.) stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way
acrid (a.) sharp; bitter; foul smelling
insipid (a.) dull; lacking flavor
decorous (a.) characterized by proper manners and conduct
pellucid (a.) transparent; clear in meaning
obsequious (a.) attempting to win favor by flattery and submissiveness, fawning
exigent (a.) critical, requiring immediate action
estimable (a.) deserving of respect
dauntless (a.) fearless; not discouraged
pertinacious (a.) holding firmly to a course of action or a set of beliefs
captious (a.) overly critical and complaining
ineffable (a.) impossible to describe in words
credulous (a.) too trusting; gullible
ostensible (a.) represented or appearing in one way, but not necessarily that way in reality
deleterious (a.) harmful; hurtful; noxious
mercurial (a.) tending to change mood or behavior suddenly and unpredictably
saturnine (a.) melancholy, gloomy, morose
taciturn (a.) reserved and generally quiet
sedulous (a.) working diligently and carefully
sublime (a.) beautiful, heavenly, inspiring awe
dilatory (a.) intended to delay
verdant (a.) green with vegetation; green; inexperienced
tortuous (a.) highly intricate; winding
restive (a.) hard to manage
Created by: jvstrf
Popular Anthropology sets




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