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Ch. 7 Org Psy
Question | Answer |
scientific management | Management philosophy concerned with increasing productivity that regarded workers as extensions of the machines they operated. |
Theory X | Approach to management assumes that people are lazy and dislike work and therefore must be led and directed. |
Theory Y | Assumes that people find satisfaction in their work and function best under a leader who allow them to participate in working toward both personal and organizational goals. |
bureaucracy | A formal, orderly, and rational approach to organizing business enterprises. |
contingency theory | Leadership theory in which a leader's effectiveness is determined by the interaction between the leader's personal characteristics and the characteristics of the leadership situation. |
path-goal | Leadership theory that focuses on the kinds of behaviors leaders should exercise to allow their subordinates to achieve personal and organizational goals. |
leader-member exchange | Leadership theory that focuses on how the leader-follower relationship affects the leadership process. |
implicit leadership theory | Leadership theory that describes a good leader in terms of one's past experiences with different types of leaders. |
authoritarian leadership | Leadership style in which a leader makes all decisions and tells followers what to do. |
democratic leadership | Leadership style in which a leader and followers discuss problems and make decisions jointly. |
transactional leadership | Leadership tyle that focuses on the social interactions between leaders and followers, based on followers' perceptions of and expectations about the leader's abilities |
transformational leadership | Leadership style in which leader are not constrained by their followers' perceptions but are free to act to change or transform their followers' views. |
charismatic leadership | Leadership style characterized by self-promoting personality, a high energy level, and a willingness to take risks; charismatic leaders stimulate their followers to think independently. |
Pygmalion Effect | Self-fulfilling prophecy in which managers' expectations about the level of their employee job performance can influence that performance. |
consideration leadership functions | leadership behaviors that involve awareness of and sensitivity to the feelings of subordinates. |
initiating structure leadership functions | Leadership behaviors concerned with organizing, defining, and directing the work activities of subordinates. |
self-managing work teams | employee groups that allow the members of a work team to manage, control, and monitor all facets of their work, from recruiting, hiring, and training new employees to deciding when to take rest breaks. |