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Sociology SOC 210 2D

Final Exam for Sociology

A form of inequality in which categories of people are systematically ranked in a hierarchy on the basis of their access to valued resources none of the above
Immanuel Wallerstein’s theory (world systems theory) includes which category core nations
What system of stratification is employed by a society with two distinct strata, a category of people who are free and a category of people who are legally the property of others? the slave system
5. A ranking that combines income, occupational prestige, level of education, and neighborhood to asses people’s positions in the stratification system socioeconomic status
Based on the objective method of assigning socioeconomic status, which of the following variables are used? d. income, occupational prestige, neighborhood
In Europe, what was another name for the estate system that developed after the fall of the Roman empire? feudalism
What sociological perspective is aligned with the Davis-Moore hypothesis that inequality is created by the needs of society? the functionalist perspective
In this system of stratification, marriage between members of different categories is PROHIBITED caste system
Davis and Moore (functionalists) suggest stratification is created by The needs of society
When people fall below a minimum subsistence level and are unable to function as members of society absolute poverty
A lack of resources relative to others and the overall standards of a society relative poverty
The movement of people from one social position to another in the stratification system social mobility
Immanuel Wallerstein’s theory (world systems theory) includes which category periphery nations
Immanuel Wallerstein’s theory (world systems theory) includes which category semi-periphery nations
The condition under which we have unequal access to resources social inequality
Large scale changes in occupational, educational and corporate social structures that enable people to move up or down in the stratification system structural mobility
In 2005, _____% of Americans had poverty incomes 12
Women constitute a disproportionate share of the poor feminization of poverty
The poorest 20 percent of the elderly, who are primarily unmarried women, minorities, and the physically impaired, possess only ______ percent of all of the elderly’s resources- 5.5
How do redivorce rates compare to divorce rates among couples married for the first time? Redivorce rates are about as high as divorce rates for couples married for the first time.
In industrial societies what is the most common pattern of residence for newly married couples? neolocal residence
Which of the following behaviors or policies associated with sex and gender is most aligned with the functionalist perspective? Using gender roles as a convenient division of labor.
In the Judeo-Christian tradition, what is traced as being the basis of the ideology of male supremacy? the story of Genesis
What is heterogamy? the selection of a mate with social characteristics different than one's own
Since World War II, more than 70 percent of ________ families have been created by divorce and separation and the rest by unmarried mothers or fathers who have chosen to raise children by themselves. single parent
What is the significance of the no-fault divorce law? No admission of wrong doing is required by either party, only mutual consent to end the marriage.
If current trends continue, about one out of every three adults in the U.S. will spend part of their lives in a ________ family blended
What was the significance of the U.S. Supreme Court case Lawrence vs. Texas? It struck down anti-sodomy laws nationwide.
The use of DNA testing is most associated with the confirmation of which type of kinship relationship? consanguineal kin
The natural deterioration of cells and organs as a result of aging- senescence
Biological and physical differences between females and males are called ________. sex
A form of marriage in which a person has multiple spouses- polygamy
The scientific study of death and dying thanatology
Of all family types, ________ families have made the most gains between 1970 and 1995, almost tripling from 3.8 million to 11 million. single parent
Based on the U.S. Census of 2000, what is the median age for men and women for their first marriage 25 for women and 27 for men
What is the family type created when the minister announces after the ceremony, "I present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones. Family of Marriage
In Murdock's World Ethnographic Sample, what was the dominant pattern of residence in the 565 societies he examined? patrilocal residence
In most societies, who is responsible for determining the gender identity of an individual? Individuals determine their own gender identity.
Which phrase MOST APPLIES to the broad definition of family as it is proposed by the authors? A family may be created through adoption providing there is mutual aid and support.
What is a "ghost marriage?" A marriage where a woman marries dead people to preserve the family line.
What is a form of marriage that permits a man or woman to have several spouses over a lifetime, but also specifies only one marriage partner at a time with a legal divorce before the acceptance of a new spouse? serial monogamy
The average life expectancy in Mozambique best fits within which interval (approximately)? 35 - 40 years of age
Where ONE woman marries two or more men polyandry
_____ % of breast cancer victims are women. 99
What is a form of marriage that specifies only one woman and one man that is common in most industrial societies? monogamy
A subarea of sociology that links social structure and social life to health medical sociology
At an early age boys learn to play sports assume leadership roles and have a tendency to be aggressive. This acknowledging of one's sex and internalizing the norms values and behaviors of the accompanying gender expectation is called gender identity
What form of marriage was most common in the preindustrial world? polygyny
What do most scientists agree upon as the factors that determine gender identity? It is partly linked to chromosomal complement and partly a result of socialization.
In Sweden, ___% of all medical costs are paid for by the government. 97
What sociological approach describes family as being responsible for defining and limiting who has sexual access to whom, integrating new members into the social system, and providing people with emotional support? functionalism
Which state DOES NOT RECOGNIZE same sex marriage licenses Texas
What is the norm that requires people to find mates within a specific group or social category? endogamy
John and his girlfriend just joined the Holy People's Union, a religious organization that denounces government intervention of any kind, Such a religious organization that is at odds with the mainstream religions and society is called a new religious movement
What was America's first mass religious revival that took place in 1730? The Great Awakening
The ______ is the initial agent of socialization, but in most cultures relinquishes some responsibility to the schools early in a child’s life. family
What is the thesis behind Jeff Zaleski's book The Soul of Cyberspace? New information technologies are altering almost every aspect of religion.
One of the major problems with credentialism is that many individuals must settle for jobs for which ______ _________. they are over qualified
What is the disengagement of religion from dominant economic and political institutions called? marginalization
What is a school called that is created by a contract between those starting the school (individuals or parent groups) and the governing authority to grant the agreement (state or local school board)? charter school
Who is quoted as describing religion as "...the sigh of the oppressed....the opiate of the people"? Karl Marx
In the United States public and private kindergartens and elementary schools provide the largest day-care system in the world. What is the term functionalist would use to describe this phenomenon? It is a latent function of education.
The belief that mass education has the potential to promote equality, but instead promotes perpetual inequality in both capitalist and socialist societies is most aligned with which sociological perspective? the conflict perspective
Based on core religious beliefs, a system that is guided by supernatural "forces" that are the dominant power in the universe is ________. animatism
What did Durkheim call an emblem or object that represents a clan's animal or plant ancestors from a dim mythical past? totem
What sociological perspective is most aligned with the school as an agent of socialization, the labeling of students, and student-teacher interaction? the symbolic interactionist perspective
What is the hypothesis on which the secularization thesis is based? How modernization has led to the decline of religion.
What do John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, and Tom Cruise all have in common? They are all members of Scientology.
Based on a 2005 Gallop poll, what is the most serious problem facing public schools? lack of financial support
What sociological perspective is most aligned with totemism and civil religion? functionalism
18. Roger served in the U.S. Army as a military policeman for twenty years. He retired from the service applied for a patrolman's position but his application was refused because he did not have a college degree. Why was Roger's application being denied? Roger was a victim of credentialism.
What is the feminization of piety? placing women in the forefront of new sect and religious movements
What sociologist is credited with developing the Protestant Work Ethic and explaining how the Spirit of Capitalism was shaped by religion? Max Weber
Created by: erosales123



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