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Govt 2 Test 3 MC

Test 3 MC

What is stare decisis and how does it work? Precedent a judge on appeal has a large chance of being overruled, makes them look stupid
Describe the right of due process—what does it mean in terms of a person’s rights when dealing with a government official? Procedural rights
Recently, have federal court appointments been more or less intensely partisan and full of ideological fights compared to the past? More intensely partisan
Just what is common law in the US? Judge made law
What is an amicus curiae brief and why do groups file them? Friend of a court brief, pressure groups pass or file them
What is the difference in the arguments of those who support judicial activism as opposed to those who support judicial restraint? Activist – Judges should make law and Restraint – Judges should wait for congress or S.C
What is the most frequent and best known action of Supreme Court justices in their role as circuit justices? S.C. will say it is a legislative issue and not judicial
Which court in Texas has automatic jurisdiction over all death penalty cases? Court of Criminal Appeals
is the most common route to a criminal conviction—is it a trial verdict? Plea Bargin
How is the legal standard of guilt different in Texas in a civil versus a criminal trial-what do they have to prove to convict?Plea Bargin Preponderance of evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt
What party do trial lawyers tend to support for judicial offices and why? Democrats
Why does it typically cost more money to win a seat on the Texas Supreme Court than a seat on the Court of Criminal Appeals in Texas? Businesses contribute to the TX Supreme Court
What is the major criticism of the method of judicial selection in Texas today—why do some support merit selection or appointment? Too much party and money influence
What is it called when a person is appointed to a judgeship and then runs for retention (runs on their record)? Merit Selection
Why does Texas have one of the most controversial death penalty systems in the US? Does the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals often overturn a death penalty sentence? People allow court appointed attorney and get the death penalty
Describe the incarceration rate in Texas compared to other states? The incarceration rate is high in TX
the late 80’s what direction has the Texas Supreme Court moved to regarding civil cases? Toward business and against consumers
What are actual examples of substantive civil liberties? Allow aid to religious schools as long as it does not go in favor to one religion
In terms of freedom of speech--what is speech plus and know examples? More protections speech plus
What is the exclusionary rule and the Miranda warning? Ability of courts to exclude evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment
Ability of courts to exclude evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment Self incrimination
What is eminent domain and how does it work? Government takes your house and give you fair market value
Does pornography come under the right to privacy? How about abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia? No they are not under the right to privacy
What happened in Lawrence v Texas? Sexual behavior was illegal
What happened in Plessy v Ferguson? Plessy violated a Louisiana law that provided for equal but separate accommodations
How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 expand the role of the executive branch and the courts by requiring federal grants-in-aid be withheld from what governments and when/why? If they violated civil rights, the government wouldn’t give state’s money
Why were northern schools difficult to integrate-what form of segregation did they practice? De facto segregation in the north
What methods were used to prevent African Americans from voting in the past? Poll taxes, white crime area
Created by: doat



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