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Reprise Ch. 24 Vocab

AP French

les amuse-gueules appetizers (snacks)
un coup de fil phone call
achter des ordinateurs dotés de lecteurs de CD-ROM to buy computers with CD-ROM drives
aménager le terrain de sports to fix up the playing field
donner des bourses d'études à tous les étudiants to give all students scholarships
embaucher de nouveaux professeurs to hire new teachers
faciliter l'accès à la bibliothèque to make it easier to use the library
inaugurer un festival de cinéme to start a film festival
offrir des cours du soir to offer evening classes
renforcer le programme d'orientation to strengthen the guidance program
servir de bons desserts à la cantine to serve good desserts in the cafeteria
trouver des stages pour les étudiants to find internships for students
un camion truck
s'aperçevoir (de) to perceive, notice
augmenter to increase
interdire to forbid, ban
abolir to abolish
les affaires things
obligatoire mandatory
la peine de mort the death penalty
faire grève to go on strike
lézarder to laze around
enlever to get rid of
balayer le parquet to sweep the floor
cirer le parquet to wax the floor
épousseter les meubles (j'épousette) to dust the furniture
faire le ménage to do the housework
le fouillis mess
récurer les casseroles to scour the pots
enlever la toile d'araignée to get rid of the spiderweb, cobweb
Created by: teeniebeanie122
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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