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CHS-S4-22 Continuida

Continuidad de los parques

la finca country house
lentamente slowly
la trama plot
apoderado business agent
el mayordomo butler
aparcerías sharecropping
los robles oak trees
arrellanar to lye back
sillón chair
acariciar to caress
una y otra vez over and over
el terciopelo velvet
esfuerzo effort
casi almost
en seguida immediately
el placer pleasure
desgajando breaking off
al alcance de la mano at hands reach
el atardecer early afternoon
sórdida sordid, devious
disyuntiva dilemma
concertaban came together
testigo witness
cabaña cabin
recelosa suspicious
amante lover
el chicotazo de una rama the lash of a branch
restañaba she was stopping
rechazaba las caricias he was rejecting the carreses
hojas secas y senderos furtivos dry leaves and lush trails
hojas secas dry leaves
furtivo lush
el puñal dagger
entibiaba was becoming warm
latía was beating
agazapada hidden
anhelante anxious
enredaban entangled
disuadirlo deter it/ prevent it
coartados alibis
azares accidents
a partir de starting from
minuciosamento atribuido meticulously taken care of
doble repaso depiadado double checking mercilessly
mejilla cheek
atados tied up to / attained to
suelto loose
parapetándose hiding himself behind
los setos hedges
en la bruma malva del crepúsculo in the mauve colored mist of the twilight
la alameda que llevaba a la casa the poplar grove that led to the house
ladrar to bark
peldaños steps
galopando rushing
Created by: Profe S
Popular Spanish sets




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