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AJ-Unit 2

actually vlastne, totiz
behaviour chovani
cheat podvadet
chew zvykat
chewing gum zvykacka
contract smlouva, kontrakt
crossroads krizovatka
deposit zaloha, kauce
do research delatvyzkum, pruzkum
Don't get me wrong, Nechapej(te) me spatne.
double white line dvojita bila cara
fascinated fascinovany,uchvaceny
formal notice formalni oznameni
go mad zblaznit se
Here we go, then Jde se na to. Tak je to tady.
Highway Code pravidla silnicniho provozu
hire pronajmout si, vypujcit si
impose ulozit, uvalit
include zahrnovat, obsahovat
interrupt přerusit, vyrusit
Is sth bothering you? Trapi te neco?
majority vetsina
make a fuss about zvelicovat, delat rozruch
motorway dalnice
nightlife nocni zivot
no parking sign zakaz parkovani
offer nabidka
one-way street jednosmerna ulice
order příkaz objednáva
pass notes posilat si vzkazy
pay attention venovat pozornost
pedestrian chodec
possession vlastnictvi, majetek
public notice veřejne oznameni, vyhlaska
realise uvedomit si
refuse odmitnout
safety helmet bezpecnostni helma, prilba
seat belt bezpecnostni pasy
skates brusle
social convention spolecenska konvence
speed limit nejvyssi povolena rychlost
standard standard, norma
stop sign stopka, dopravni znacka Stop!
stroppy vztekly neurvaly,nepřijemny
survive prezit
top up dobit (si kredit)
traffic light semafor
What's up? Co se deje? Coje?
zebra crossing přechod pro chodce
achieve dosahnout, docilit
amphetamine amfetamin
anabolic steroid anabolicky steroid
authorities uředni organy
badminton badminton
ball mic, micek
be banned mit zakazano
bounce odrazit se, odskocit
community service verejne prospesne prace
constantly neustale
court hriste, kurt
demanding narocny
dive skok po hlave, pad
drug abuse zneuzivani drog
effective efektivni, ucinny
efficiently efektivne, ucinne
eliminate odstranit, vyřadit
exhausted vycerpany
fair play poctiva hra, cestne jednani
fine pokuta
foul faulovat
give up zanechat ceho, pfestat s
govern ovladat, řidit –
high-tech technologicky vyspely, supermoderni
horizontal horizontal
incentive podnet, popud
incredible uzasny,neuveřitelny
injure zranit (se)
manage to zvladnout, dokazat
match-fixing ovlivnovani (vysledku) zapasu
metliod metoda
No matter… nehlede na to...
opponent oponent, protihrac
otherwise jinak
pressure tlak
probation podminka, podminecny trest
racket raketa (tenisova apod.)
rival soupeř
scandal skandal
shuttlecock badmintonovy kosicek/micek
squash squash (hra)
stage usek, etapa
stamina vydrz, vytrvalost
status postaveni, status
test positive mit pozitivni test
There's no doubt that... Neni pochyb, ze ...
title titul
what it takes co to vyzaduje
Created by: Mrazek
Popular Czech sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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