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ICS3U - Unit 3

Glossary of Unit 3 (Advanced Topics)

Persistent Data Data that is not lost when the computer is turned off.
File Mode Deciding to open a file as “Read”, “Write”, or “append”.
Method An object’s function that performs a special task.
Exception Unexpected runtime error (happens when the program is running), which crashes the program.
Exception Handler Try/Except statement, so that the program does not crash if an exception comes up.
Try Block The program executes this block if possible, but if an error comes up, it goes to the except clause(s)
Except Clause Code that runs if an exception comes up.
Handler The code in the except statement.
Sequence An object that contains many items of data – a string does.
String An object containing characters.
Index A character’s position in a string. Also a data type’s position in a tuple or list.
Slice A part of something, in our cases, strings or lists.
Substring A “String within a string”, think “subsets”.
List Sequence structure holding a variety of data types.
Element Item in a list.
Array Method-less lists, not supported in python.
Mutable Individual elements can be changed.
Pass-by-reference Refers to the old list, so if you change the one inside the function, it changes the old one too
Tuple Like a list, but immutable. It is defined with round brackets, but some methods cannot be used on it.
Key-Value Pair A key that references to a value.
Hashing Accessing a value by using a key. Another word for mapping.
Mapping Another word for hashing. Accessing a value by using a key.
Dictionary A data type that holds key-value pairs.
Sublist List within a list.
Recursive Function A function which calls itself.
Infinite recursion A function that calls itself infinite times, crashing when it runs out of memory.
Depth of Recursion The times a function calls itself recursively.
Base Case The case when recursion is not required.
Recursive Case The case when the function is in recursion happens.
Overhead Memory required to store all the variables within the function.
Linear Search A search that goes through each item in the list until it is found.
Sort Putting a list in proper order.
Bubble Sort Sorting algorithm which compares two terms side by side.
Created by: 1557376579
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