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french midterm


accepter to accept
accompagner to accompany
adorer to love
aider to help
aimer to like to love
apporter to bring
apprecier to appreciate
arreter to stop
arriver to arrive
bavarder to chat
casser to break
cesser to stop
chanter to sing
chercher to look for
continuer to continue
danser to dance
decider to decide
decrocher to answer the phone
dejeuner to have lunch
demander to ask, to ask for
depenser to spend
deposer to deposit
dessiner to draw
detester to hate
deviner to guess
diner to have dinner
donner to give
ecouter to listen to
emporter to carry
emprunter to borrow
enseigner to teacher
entrer to enter
etudier to study
expliquer to explain
fermer to close
gagner to earn
garder to keep, to watch
habiter to live
hesiter to hesitate
inviter to invite
jourer to play
laisser to leave behind
laver to wash
louer to rent
marcher to walk
monter to go upstairs
montrer to show
organiser to organize
oublier to forget
parler to speak
passer to pass
penser to think
porter to carry
pratiquer to practice
preparer to prepare
presenter to present
preter to lend
raccompagner to walk or drive someone home
raccrocher to hang up
raconter to tell about
rapporter to bring back
refuser to refuse
regarder to look at
remercier to thank
rencontrer to bump into
rentrer to return home or go back
rester to stay to remain
retourner to return
retrouver to meet b appointment
saluer to greet
sonner to ring
telephoner to phone
travailler to work
traverser to cross
trouver to find
annoncer to announce
avancer to advance
commencer to begin
effacer to erase
lancer to launch
arranger to arrange
changer to change
corriger to correct
decourager to discourage
demenager to move
diriger to direct
encourager to encourage
engager to hire
appuyer to support
balayer to sweep
effrayer to frighten
employer to use
ennuyer to bore
envoyer to send
essayer to try
menacer to threaten
placer to place
prononcer to prounce
remplacer to replace
renoncer to resign to quit
loger to house
longer to walk along
manger to eat
nager to swim
partager to share
plonger to dive
ranger to put away
rediger to write
voyager to travel
essuyer to wipe
nettoyer to clean
noyer to drown
payer to pay
rayer to cross out
tutoyer to address someone as tu
vouvoyer to address someone as vous
acheter to buy
appeler to call
jeter to throw
esperer to hope
preferer to prefer
guerir to make better
maigrir to get thin
mincir to get thin
obeir to obey
reflechir to reflect on
remplir to fill
reussir to succeed
rouger to blush
salir to make dirty
viellir to age
vendre to sell
interrompre to interrupt
attendre to wait for
confondre to confuse
descendre to go downstairs, down
entendre to hear
perdre to lose
rendre to return
repondre to answer
ouvrir to open
offrir to offer
souffrir to suffer
parter to leave
sortir to exit
dormir to sleep
mentir to lie
sentir to feel, smell
servir to serve
avoir to have
etre to be`
avoir/chaud/froid to be warm to be cold
avoir faim to be hungry
avoir soif to be thirsty
avoir sommeil to be sleepy
avoir honte de to be ashamed of
avoir peur to be afraid
avoir raison to be right
avoir tort to be wrong
avoir de la chance to be lucky
etre a to belong to
etre a l'heure to be on time
etre en retard to be late
etre en avance to be early
etre d'accord avec to agree with
etre de retour to be back
etre enrhume to hae a cold
etre en forme to be in shape
etre en bonne/mauvaise to be in good/bad health
etre en vacances to be on vacation
faire du francais to take french
faire des maths to study mathematics
faire attention a pay attention
faire des etudes to study
faire ses devoirs to do your homwork
faire des achats yo make purchases
faire les courses to do the shopping
faire la cuisine to do the cooking
faire le linge/la lessive to do the laundry
faire son lit to make your bed
faire le menage to do the housework
fair la vaisselle to do the dishes
faire de l'aerobic to do aerobics
faire de l'alpinisme to go mountain climbing
faire de la bicyclette to go bike riding
faire du camping to go camping
faire de l'exercise to exercise
faire du joggin to go jogging
faire de la natation to go swimming
faire du patin a glace to go ice skating
faire du patin a roulettes to go roller skating
faire de la planche a roulettes to go skateboarding
faire de la planche a voile to go windsurfing
faire de la plongee sous-marine to go deep sea diving
faire une promenade to take a walk
faire une randonnee to go on a hike
faire du ski to go skiiing
faire di ski nautique to water ski
faire du sport to play sports
faire du tennis to play tennis
faire du velo to go bike riding
faire de la voile to go sailing
faire attention to pay attention to
faire la connaissance de to meet or get to know someone
faire du leche-vitrine to go window shopping
faire un pique-nigue to have a picnic
faire la queue tp stand or wait in line
faire la sieste to take a nap
faire un tour to take a walk or ride
faire les valises to pack
faire un voyage to take a trip
quel temps fait-il? whats the weather?
quelle temperature fait-il? whats the temperature?
il fait beau the weather is good
il fait mauvais the weather is bad
il fait chaud it's hot outside
il fait froid it's cold outside
il fait du soleil it's sunny
il fait du vent it's windy
il fait un sale temps the weather is lousy
il fait 30 degres it is 30 degrees
savoir to know
connaitre to know
aller to go
la boucherie butcher shop
la boulangerie bakery
la charcuterie deli
la cremerie dairy store
l'epicerie grocery
le marche en plein air outdoor shopping
la patisserie the pastry shop
la poissonnerie the fish shop
le supermarche the supermarket
les grands magasins department store
le marchand de fruits fruit seller
pouvoir able, can
vouloir to want
devoir ought should
venir to come
prendre to take
apprendre to learn
comprendre to understand
prendre des billets to buy tickets
prendre le petit dejeuner to have breakfast
prendre un cafe to have a cup of coffee
prendre une decision to make a decision
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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