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Words & Phrases
Spanish Words and Phrases
Spanish | English |
Conseguir | to get |
negar | to deny |
negar(se) | to refuse |
a veses | some times |
algunas veses | some times |
que pasa | no pasa nada |
Que pasara manana | what will you do in the Morning |
de pronto | suddenly |
lo peor | the worst |
lo mas malo | the worst |
poner(se) | to become, to put on |
hacer(se) | to become a profession |
segundo mano | 2nd hand |
aprovechar(se) de | to take advantage of |
meido | fear |
calentamiento global | global warming |
yo lo hice | i did it already |
compartir | to share |
el poder | power |
hundar(se) | to sink |
jocon | salsa verde |
pepian | guatemalan mole |
tamano | size |
lagartija | lizard |
lagarto | allegator |
charamila | bumb/drunks on the st |
uno a otro | each other |
merecer | to deserve |
quien rampio la relacion | who broke up the relationship |
bucear | scuba |
buzo | scubadiver |
anguila | eel |
acariciar | to caress |
culebra | snake |
serpiente | snake |
manchas | spots |
morder | to bite |
orgullosa | to be proud |
alimentar | to feed |
desperdcio | to waste |
que lastima | pitty |
desperdicio | waste |
que verquenza | embarased |
merecer | to deserve |
hinchado | swollen |
estar orgullosa | to be proud |
preguntar(se) | to wonder |
cuidar | to care |
crecer | to grow |
borrar | to erase |
grabar | to record |
aula | classroom |
prestar | to lend, to borrow |
jabon | soap |
mentiroso | liar |
tramposo | crook, crooked |
estar castigado | to be punished |
castigar | to punish |
esperar | to wait for, to hope |
cuanto tiempo hacia que | how long had (you) been |
habia una vez | once upon a time |
fingir | to pretend |
alimnetar | to feed |
establo | born/stable |
sana | healthy |
deletrear | to spell |
de vez en cuando | from time to time |
carnicero | the butcher |
carniceria | butcher store |
dar(se) cuenta | to realize |
carteristas | pick pocket |
colgar | hang up |
abrigo | coat |
atravesar | to cross the road |
tirar | to throw |
chichicaste | como poison ivy |
fuego | fire |
quemar | to burn |
derretir | to melt |
hervir | to boil |
salvaje | wild |
fantasmas | ghost |
jurz(a) | judge |
pesadilla | nightmare |
temer | afraid, scared |
apodo | nickname |
ladrones | robbers |
ladrones | robbers |
merecer | to deserve |
premio | prize |
cualquier | any |
ya no | no longer |
ya | already |
ya voy | i am coming, answer door |
ya llagamos | we are here |
mirada fija | to stare |
afuera | outside |
ahorrar | to save money, tiempo |
acercar(se) | to approach |
moscas | flys |
evitar | to avoid |
negar | to deny |
negar(se) | to refuse |
ojala! | I hope so |
ojala no! | I hope not |
olvidar | to forget |
gavilan | checken hawk |
conejo | rabbit |
acabar de | to have just |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
para llegar aqui | on the way here |
la proeba | the test |
profunda | deep |
dar vuela | tip over |
miedo | afraid |
cebolla | onion |
dar gato por liebre | to put something over on someone |
por las buenas o por las malas | whether one likes it or not |
pisto | money (guatemala only) |
plata | silver |
para siempre | forever |
por todas partes | everywhere |
me calle por ti | i kept quiet for you |
escaparte | window shopping |
para vitrinear | to window shop |
para variar | for a change |
desde entonce | since then |
es chistoso | its funny |
esto pasa | this happened |
quien sabe | who knows |
vamos a ver | we will see, lets see |
asi es la vida | it is life |
todo es posible | all is possible |
pero no todo es seguro | but nothing is for certain |
hoy dia | now a days |
tadavia | still |
todavia no | not yet |
bajar de | to get off |
subrir a | to get on |
yo no sabia eso | I didn't know that |
la arena | sand |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
inundaciones | flood |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
yo no quise hablar del asunto | I didn't want to talk about that |
es pan comido | piece of cake |
que mas | whats next, what more |
fue posible | it was posible |
subtitulos | subtitiles |
es mas grande que | is much larger than |
el canto de los pajaroes | the song of the birds |
la salida del sol | sunrise |
suena bien | sounds good |
parece interesante | seems interesting |
una via | one way |
menos frio que ayer | less cold than yesterday |
no fue possible | it was not possible |
pienso que no | I dont think so |
probar | to taste |
sucio | nasty |
el sabor | to taste |
polvo | dust |
una pareja | a couple, man and women |
estar de acuedo | to agree |
poner(se) el sol | sun set |
caer el sol | sun fall |
caer la noche | night fall |
entrar la noche | night fall |
ya entro la noche | already the night comes |
cansado | tired |
ramas | branch (tree) |
arbol | tree |
madera | wood |
piedras pequenas | small rocks |
corto circuito | short circuit |
palanca | circuit breaker |
demaciado | too much |
planchar | to iron |
secadora | dryer (clothes) |
lavadora | washing machine (clothes) |
pila | sink |
tener sueno | to be sleepy |
estar cansado | tired |
tomar una siesta | nap |
montar | to ride |
invitar | to invite |
dejar | to leave (thing/item) |
olvidar | to forget |
llorar | to cry |
ascar | to roast |