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English Comp Vocab 1


Amorphous lacking form
Capitulate to surrender
Circumspect watchful
Expiate make amend
Propitious favorable conditions
Solipsism only oneself exists
Specious lacking real merit
Temerity reckless
Tenuous by a thread
Vitiate to make faulty
Abrogate abolish
Feckless incompetent
Histrionic Dramatic
Insipid boring
Obsequious submissive
Parsimonious stingy
soporific boring
prevaricate lie
ubiquitous everywhere
usurp take over
Aggrandize to glorify
Anathema a thing someone hates
Capricious unpredictable
Craven cowardly
demagogue gains power by emotion
diatribe critical rant
iconoclast non conformist
Ineffable indescribable
obstreperous resisting control
sedulous diligent
Acumen smarts
Aver declare positively
Beatitude amazing
Dilatory procrastinate
Egregious very bad
Germaine relevant
Halcyon peaceful
laconic short
quixotic chivalrous
schism rift
effervescent lively
eschew shun
garrulous talkative
petulant snarky
harbinger omen
polemic controversial argument
progenitor ancestor
stolid unemotional
symmetry uniform
torpid inactive
abate to diminish
carnal sexual desire
disparate different
Incipiant beginning stage
pedantic arrogantly smart
screed a long written diatribe
slatternly slut
umbrage annoyance
vagary unpredictable action
virulent actively poisonous
antipathy aversion
august respectful person
bellicose eager to fight
Chicanery used to go to great lengths to win
Deleterious harmful to oneself
inchoate undeveloped
imprecate cuss out
oscillate sway back and forth
suppliant pleading look
urbane polite, sophisticated
urbane polite, sophisticated
abject support
aegis support
cavil criticize
comely attractive
ephemeral short lived
hackneyed overused
imbroglio misunderstanding
perfidious deceitful
prescience foresight
stultify humiliate
Created by: tennisemma
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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