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Question | Answer |
How is it called the time when world war 2 ended? | zero hour |
3 result of WW2? | lost of territories, 10 million refugees, Germany divided in 4 |
What where the allies goals for permanent political control and the reeducation of the Germans? | denazification, dismanteling, democratisation, demilitarisation |
When was it and in what consist the Truman doctrine? | in 1947,it was based on the containment of the soviet expansion and maybe the start of the cold war |
US-Marshallplan dates and what was it? | 1947-1951 rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for the allied contries of europe, repelling comunism |
Currency Reform, dates etc? | 1948, precondition for the economic miracle |
new democratic constitution, date? | parliamentary council worked out the new democratic and federalistic consitution for west german state, called basic law, 1949 |
where was the provisional capital of Germany? | Bonn |
mention 4 political parties in germany | CDU, cristian, spd, social, free, fdp, all democratic party |
First Chancellor, name, and what he did? | Konrad Adenaur, integration of west germany into the western block |
Treaties of Paris, date, 3 pints | 1954, ambassadors of allies, NATO % WEU memebershop and Haññstein Doctrine |
Conclusion 10 years after the war | integration of 10 million refugees, west germany as a credible partner to the western allies, but the price of a divided Germany |
Reasons and date for the creation of the Berlin wall? | 1961, thousand of people fled from east to west making an economic difference between the 2 states. |
3 essential, by whom which ones | Kennedy, free access to west Berlin, liberty to the people in west Berlin, permanent Western parties in the city |
Wirtshachwunder, economic miracle, date & consist of? | economic boom in the middle of the 50s, free market system with a social orientation |
The big coalition, which parties, and consequences? | CSU+SPD, stimulating the economy and modernisation, new foreign policy, cessation of emergy law of the allies |
student movement, date and what is it? | 1968, against Vietnam war, students involvement and participation, modern education, woman equalitys, in germany they were specially against the -german emergency acts-- |
Political credit of the movement of the 68? | modernisation of society, preocupaiton of supressed subjects |
Chancellot Willy Brandt, date, and acts? | 1969-1974, 1st social democratic chancellor, and important politician who resisted the nazi regime, recognition of two german states(new eastern politics) |
Treaty of Warsaw? | Willy Brandt knee at the monumen tof the victims of WW2 as a gesture of humildity |
Basic treaty, date, and points | 72, respect their sovereignty, establish 3C's, both germanies joined the united nations |
Helmut schmidt, pints | fight economic stability, fight unemployment with public investments |
protest movements in Germany? | antinuclear & enviromental activits, mass demostration against rearmament, german autumn |
Helmut Kohl | chancellor after helmut schmidt, laster for 16 years, longer government german chancellor |
the greens | ecologist and social, basic-democrati, pacifisct party |
end of the GDR in 1989 1991 | the new soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev became the new soviet leader and brought new policirs of opennes and political and economical restructuring, the communist block began to fall |
when did the berlin wall faled? and german reunificaiton date | 9 of nov of 1989, 3 oct 1990 |