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Deutsche Umwelt

Deutsche Umweltverschmutzung

Säuregehalt level of acidity
Wirbelstürmen hurricane/tropical storms
erhebliche Folgen serious consequences
ansteigen to grow/increase
verschlechtern to get worse/to worsen
sich erhohen to rise
Klimawandel climate change
Energieträger energy sources
Hitzewellen heat waves
Meerespiegel sea level
Treibhauseffekt green house effect
austerben to die out
Erderwärmung global warming
Meerestemperatur sea temperatures
das Klima the climate
die fossilen Energiequelle fossil fuels/fossil energy sources
Wissenschaftler scientists
Fachleute expert
erhebliche significant/considerable/serious
gewinnen to glean/gain
freigesetzt werden are released
giftiges toxic/poisonous
verbrauchen to consume
verursachen to cause
die Verschmutzung the pollution
verschonen to spare
beitragen to contribute to
der Energiebedarf energy requirements
decken to cover
gewährleisten to guarantee
versorgen to provide
steigen to increase
steigend (adj) increasing
zurückgehen to go back/fall back
Stromverbrauch electricity consumption
verhindern to prevent
verlangsamen to slow down
bremsen to put the brakes on
verringern to lower
die Mülldeponie land fill site
Treibhausgas green house gas
Methan/Grubengas methane
zunehmen to increase
zunehmend increasing
die Zunahme an an increase in
Umweltfeindlich environmentally unfriendly
Umweltfreundlich environmentally friendly
Umweltschädlich harmful to the environment
die Umwelt für etw. schützen to protect the environment from smthing
der Umwelt helfen to give help to the environment
der Umwelt zuliebe to care for the environment
Quelle source
Created by: sallyfizz
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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