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chapter 7 lessico
Question | Answer |
accedeere (p.p. accesso) | to gain access to |
attivare (il collegamento) | to activate (the connection) |
cliccare | to click on |
custode (m./f.) | caretaker |
di fianco a | by the side of/next to |
durare | to last |
email (m.) | email (message) |
eseguire comandi | to follow orders |
individuare | to identify, to spot |
infastidire | to bother, to annoy |
innervosire | to get nervous, to get on someone's nerves |
lanciare | to throw |
negare | to deny |
odore (m.) | smell, odor, scent |
percepire | to perceive |
potenza | power |
rilasciare | to release |
riparare | to repair |
scontro | encounter, clash |
usa e getta | disposable (products) |