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Praxis Court Cases for SPED

Rowley v. Hendrick (1984) FAPE/ School districts must provide those services that permit a student with disabilities to benefit from instructions
Irving Independent School District v. Tatro (1984) Defining related services/ Clean intermittent catheterization is a related service when necessary to allow a student to stay in school
Smith v. Robinson (1984) Attorney’s fees/ Parents are reimbursed legal fees when they win a case resulting from special education litigation
Burlington School Committee v. Department of Education (1984) Private school places/ in some cases, public schools may be required to pay for private school placements when the district does not provide an appropriate education
Honing v. Doe (1988) exclusion from school- Students whose misbehavior is related to their disability cannot be denied education
Timothy W. v. Rochester New Hampshire School District (1989) FAPE/ Regardless of the existence or severity of a student’s disability, a public education is the right of every child
Zobrest b. Catalina Foothills School District (1993) Paid interpreter at parochial high school/ paying for sign language interpreter in a nonpublic school setting does not violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
Carter v. Florence County School District 4 (1993) Reimbursement for private school/ A court may order reimbursement to parents who withdraw their children from a public school that provides inappropriate education, even though the privat placement does not meet all IDEA requirements
Doe v. Withers (1993) FAPE/ Teachers are responsible for the implementation of accommodations specified in individual students’ IEPs
Cedar Rapids School District b. Garret F (1999) Related services/ Health attendants are related service and a district’s expense if the service is necessary to maintain the student in the educational programs.
Schaffer v. Weast (2005) the supreme court decided that the burden of proof in a Due process Hearing is on the party who files it
Arlington Central School District v. Murphy (2006) parents who win in a Due Process hearing are not entitled to recover expert witness fees having to do with the claims established in Due Process.
Winkelman v. Parma City School district (2007) parents, although not licensed attorneys may pursue IDEA claims on their own behalf. These rights are independent of their child’s rights.
Forest Grove School District v. T.A. (2009) IDEA allows reimbursement for private special education services, even when the child did not previously receive special education services from the public schools.
Oberti v. Board of Education (1993) continuum of special education services/ uphelt the educational rights to receive an education in their neighborhood school with adequate and necessary supports.
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) separate is not equal, states laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional, overturned Plessy v. Ferguson
Larry P. v. Riles (1979) established the legal precedent that tests administered to minority children must have been validated for use with that population. African American child who with having MR and fought that he was not tested fairly
Lau v. Nichols (1974) limited-English-proficient/guaranteed children an opportunity to a “meaningful education” regardless of their language background. a civil rights case that was brought by Chinese American students who had limited English proficiency
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