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más caro que
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HS2C3 Test Review

Meanings + action past vs. ongoing past vs. present tense

más caro que more expensive than
menos divertido que less fun than
tan barato como as cheap as
vio s/he saw
vi I saw
rompió s/he broke
consiguió s/he got/obtained/acquired
ganaron they won
gané I won
ganó s/he/it (the team) won
hay que tratar you gotta try
ganamos We win/we won
fui a la tienda I went to the store
fuiste al Tianguis you went to the outdoor market
fue a la tienda s/he/it went to the store
fuimos a la joyería we went to the jewelry store
fueron al almacén they went to the grocery store
fui de compras I went shopping
dijo s/he said/told
está loco por el fútbol s/he is crazy about soccer
morder el pastel to bite the cake
dije I said/told
tuve/tenía I had
tuvo/tenía s/he had
I know
no sabe qué hacer s/he doesn't know what to do
no sabía qué cocinar I/she/he didn't know what to cook
se pierde s/he gets lost
me pierdo I get lost
fui de compras I went shopping
me perdí I got lost
perdió las joyas s/he lost the jewelry
se perdieron they got lost
perdimos el partido we lost the game
te perdiste you got lost
hay que ganar you gotta win
la tienda vende peluches the store sells stuffed animals
siguen fracasando they keep failing
ni siquiera not even
sigo olvidando I keep forgetting
siguió ganando s/he kept winning
seguimos perdiendo We keep/kept on /continue(d) losing
llevaba I/she/he was wearing (or used to wear)
se dieron por vencidos they gave up
estoy desilusionado I am disappointed
pagó en efectivo s/he paid in cash
es humilde y trabajador s/he is humble and hardworking
estaban de moda they used to be in style
consiguieron una medalla de oro the got a gold medal
olvidé I forgot
eran humildes they were humble
tomé la decisión I made a decision
venden flores they sell flowers
fracasó s/he failed
estaba desilusionado I/she/he was disappointed
se veía guapo s/he was looking really good/handsome
¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?
¡el equipo ganó el partido the team won the game
estaba loco por I/she/he was crazy about
le dimos joyas we gave her jewelry
era una mujer trabajadora she was a hardworking woman
¡No es justo! It's not fair!
tuve éxito I was successful/had success
te di joyas de plata I gave you silver jewelry
me diste joyas de oro you gave me gold jewelry
pagaron en efectivo they paid in cash
pago con tarjeta I pay with a (credit) card
están de moda they are in style
me importa estar de moda I care about being in fashion (it's important to me to be in style)
no vamos a fracasar we're not going to fail
juega a solas en su tiempo libre s/he plays alone in his/her free time
hay que tomar una decisión you gotta make a decision
Created by: Hamzone
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