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wkbk- chpt 8


aseptic techniques techniques that maintain sterile coondition
Pyrogens chemicals produced by microorganisms that can cause pyretic (fever) reactions in patients
flashball flexible rubber tubing at the end of a needle on an administration set
isotonic whe a solution has a osmolarity equivalent to another
hypertonic when a solution has a greater osmolarity than another
flow rate the rate in ml/hr at which the solution is administered to the patient
heparin lock an injection device which uses heparin to keep blood fro clotting the device
lypholized freeze-dried
diluent a liquid that dilutes a substance or solution
beve an angeled surface as with the tip of a needle
lumen the hollow center of a needle
corin when a needle damages the rubber closurw of a parwental container causing fragments of the closure to fall into the container and contaminate its contents
membrane filter a filter that attaches t a syringe and filters solution through a membrane as the solution is expelled from the syringe
depth filter a filter placed inside a needle hub that can filter solutions being drawn in or expelled but not both
final filter a filter that filters solution immediately before it enters a patients vein
laminar flow continous movement at a stable rate in one direction
hepa filter a high effieciency particulate air filter
irrigation solution large splash solutions used during surgical or uroligal procedures to bathe and moisten body tissue
rcra handles regulates handling hazardous waste
dialysis movement of particles in a solution thru permeable membranes
pyrogens are produced by what> microorganisms
what has a greater osmalarity tan blood? hypertonic solutions
piggy backs usually contain how many ml of fluids?&& period of how long? 50-100ml;30-60 mins
Created by: creyesz07
Popular Pharmacology sets




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