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Ch.7 Flashcard-Ozuna

el futbol soccer
el beisbol baseball
el basquetbol,el baloncesto basketball
los deportes sports
el estadio stadium
el/la espectador audience
el campo field
la cancha court
el partido game
el/la jugador soccer player
el equipo team
el tablero indicador scoreboard
el tanto point
empatado tied
empezar,comenzar start
tirar,lanzar shoot
perder lose
ganar win
entre between
contra against
el futbol soccer
el balon soccerball
el tiempo half(game)
el/la portero(a) goalie
la porteria net
jugar player
bloquear block
parar stop
marcar un tanto score a point
meter un gol make a goal
el beisbol baseball
el/la bateador(a) batter
el pitcher,el lanzador pitcher
el catcher,el receptor catcher
el jardinero fielder
el guante glove
el platillo home base
el jonrun home run
la base base
la entrada inning
la pelota a baseball
el bate bat
batear to bat
correr to run
atrapar to catch
devolver to return
el basquetbol,el baloncesto basketball
el cesto,la canasta net
driblar dribble
pasar pass
encestar make a basket
meter put,place
gustar to like
interesar to interest
aburrir to bore
el pie foot
la pierna foot
la rodilla kee
la mano hand
el brazo arm
la cabeza head
poder able to
querer to want
volver to return
preferir to prefer
a veces sometimes
siempe always
izquierdo(a) left
derecho right
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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