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Herb Properties 1
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Indv Herb Organs.

Herb Properties 1
AI YE Liver, Spleen, Kidney
BAI HE Heart, Lung
BAI JI Liver, Stomach, Lung
BAI SHAO Liver, Spleen
BAI XIAN PI Stomach, Spleen
BAI ZHI Lung, Stomach
BAI ZHU Spleen, Stomach
BAI ZI REN Heart, Kidney, Spleen, Large Intestine
BAN LAN GEN Lung, Stomach, Heart
BAN XIA Lung, Spleen, Stomach
BEI SHA SHEN Kidney, Spleen
BING LANG Stomach, Large Intestine
BING PIAN Heart, Lung, Spleen
BO HE Lung, Liver
BU GU ZHI Kidney, Spleen
CANG ZHU Spleen, Stomach
CHAI HU Liver, Gall Bladder, Pericardium
CHE QIAN ZI Kidney, Bladder
CHEN PI Spleen, Stomach, Lung
CHI SHAO Kidney, Spleen
CHUAN XIONG Liver, Gall Bladder, Heart
CI SHI Heart, Kidney, Liver
DA HUANG Liver, Large Intestine, Heart
DA ZAO Spleen, Stomach
DAI ZHE SHI Liver, Heart
DAN SHEN Liver, Heart, Pericardium
DAN ZHU YE Stomach, Heart, Small Intestine
DANG GUI Liver, Heart, Spleen
DANG SHEN Spleen, Lung
DI GU PI Kidney, Liver, Lung
DI YU Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine
DU HUO Kidney, Bladder, Liver
DU ZHONG Kidney, Liver
E ZHU Liver, Spleen
FANG FENG Lung, Liver, Spleen
FU LING Spleen, Lung, Heart
FU ZI Heart, Kidney, Spleen
GAN CAO Spleen, Lung, Kidney, Heart
GAN JIANG Spleen, Stomach, Heart, Lung
GAO LiANG JIANG Spleen, Stomach
GOU QI ZI Kidney, Liver, Lung
GOU TENG Liver, Heart, Pericardium
GUA LOU Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach
GUI ZHI Lung, Bladder, Heart
HE SHOU WU Liver, Kidney
HONG HUA Liver, Heart
HOU MA REN Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach
HOU PO Spleen, Stomach, Lung, Large intestine
HOU XIANG Spleen, Stomach, Lung
HUAI HUA Liver, Large Intestine
HUANG BAI Kidney, Bladder
HUANG LIAN Stomach, Small Intestine, Liver, Heart
HUANG QI Spleen, Lung
HUANG QIN Stomach, Small Intestine, Gall Bladder, Lung
JI LI Liver
JIAN QIAN CAO Kidney, Bladder, Liver, Gall Bladder
JIN XUE TENG Liver, Heart, Spleen
JIN YIN HUA Lung, Stomach, Large Intestine
JING JIE Lung, Liver
JU HUA Lung, Liver
KU LIAN GEN PI Stomach, Spleen, Liver
LAI FU ZI Spleen, Stomach, Lung
LIAN QIAO Liver, Gall Bladder, Heart
LONG DAN CAO Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder
LONG YAN RAN Heart, Spleen
MA HUANG Lung, Bladder
MAI MEN DONG Heart, Lung, Stomach
MAI YA Spleen, Stomach
MU DAN PI Kidney, Liver, Heart
Mu GUA Liver, Spleen, Stomach
MU LI Kidney, Liver, Gall Bladder
MU XIANG Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Gall Bladder
NAN GUA ZI Stomach, Large Intestine
NIU BANG ZHI Lung, Stomach
NIU HUANG Heart, Liver
NIU XI Liver, Kidney
NU ZHEN ZI Kidney, Liver
PU GONG YING Stomach, Liver
QIAN CAO GEN Liver, Heart
QIANG HUO Kidney, Bladder
QIN JIAO Bladder
QING HAO Kidney, Liver, Gall Bladder
QING PI Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder
REN SHEN Spleen, Lung
ROU DOU GOU Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach
ROU GUI Spleen, Kidney, Liver, Heart
SAN LENG Liver, Spleen
SAN QI Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine
SANG BAI P Lung, Spleen
SANG JI SHENG Kidney, Liver
SANG YE Lung, Liver
SHA REN Spleen, Stomach
SHAN YAO Spleen, Lung, Kidney
SHAN ZHA Spleen, Stomach, Liver
SHAN ZHU YU Kidney, Liver
SHE XIANG Heart, Spleen
SHEN QU Spleen, Stomach
SHENG DI HUANG Kidney, Liver, Heart
SHI CHUANG PU Heart, Stomach
SHI DI Stomach
SHI JUN ZI Stomach, Spleen
SHU DI HUANG Liver, Kidney, Heart
SU HE XIANG Heart, Spleen
SUAN ZAO REN Heart, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder
TAO REN Liver, Heart, Lung, Large Intestine
TIAN HUA FEN Lung, Stomach
TIAN MEN DONG Kidney, Lung
TIAN NAN XING Liver, Lung, Spleen
TING LI ZI Lung, Bladder
TU SI ZI Kidney, Spleen, Liver
WEI LING XIAN Liver, Gall Bladder, Stomach
WU JIA PI Kidney, Liver
WU MEI Lung, Large Intestine, Liver, Spleen
WU WEI ZHI Lung, Kidney, Heart
WU YAO Spleen, Lung, Kidney, Bladder
WU ZHU YU Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, Liver
XIA KU CAO Liver, Gall Bladder
XIANG FU Liver, San Jiao
XIAO HUI XIANG Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, Liver
XIAO JI Liver, Spleen
XIE BAI Stomach, Lung, Large Intestine
XING REN Lung, Large Intestine
XUAN SHEN Kidney, Stomach, Lung
YAN HU SUO Liver, Heart, Lung, Stomach
YI MU CAO Liver, Heart, Kidney
YI YI REN Kidney, Spleen, Lung
YIN CHEN HAO Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder
YIN YANG HUO Kidney, Liver
YING SU QIAO Lung, Large Intestine, Kidney
YU XING CAO Lung, Large Intestine
YUAN ZHI Heart, Lung
ZE XIE Kidney, Bladder
ZHI MU Lung, Stomach, Kidney
ZHI QIAO (KE) Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine
ZHI SHI Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine
ZHI ZI Lung, Stomach
ZI CAO Liver, Heart
ZI SU YE Lung, Spleen
ZI SU ZI Lung, Large Intestine
Created by: cindyhartwell
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