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Top 200 - Group 1

Top 200 Drugs-USN Henderson class 2012

Avapro Irbesartan Blocks vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle and adrenal gland, producing decreased BP
Benicar Olmesartan Blocks vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle and adrenal gland, producing decreased BP
Caduet Amlodipine/Atorvastatin Atorvastatin: Incr rate body removes cholesterol from blood and decr production of cholesterol by inhibiting enzyme that catalyzes early rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis; increases HDL; reduces LDL, VLDL, and triglycerides (TG)
Calan, Isoptin, Covera HS Verapamil SR Blocks movement of Ca2+ across cell membrane in systemic and coronary vascular smooth muscle (during depolarization), increase O2 delivery, decrease peripheral vascular resistance
Cartia XT, Tiazac, Dilacor XR, Cardizem LA Diltiazem Blocks movement of Ca2+ across cell membrane in systemic and coronary vascular smooth muscle (during depolarization), increase O2 delivery, decrease peripheral vascular resistance
Catapres, Catapres TTS Clonidine Stimulates central alpha-adrenergic receptors to inhibit sympathetic cardioaccelerator and vasoconstrictor centers
Coreg, Coreg CR Carvedilol Blocks alpha-1 receptors and nonselective beta-receptors to decrease BP
Cozaar Losartan Blocks vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle and adrenal gland, producing decreased BP
Diovan Valsartan Blocks vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle and adrenal gland, producing decreased BP
Inderal, Inderal LA, InnoPran XL Propranolol Primarily affects the CV system (eg, ↓heart rate, ↓ cardiac contractility, decreased BP) and lungs (promotes bronchospasm). Blocks beta receptors, primarily affecting CV system (↓ heart rate, contractility, and BP) and lungs (promotes bronchospasm).
Lopressor, Toprol XL Metoprolol Primarily affects the CV system (eg, ↓heart rate, ↓ cardiac contractility, decreased BP) and lungs (promotes bronchospasm). Blocks beta receptors, primarily affecting CV system (↓ heart rate, contractility, and BP) and lungs (promotes bronchospasm).
Lotensin Benazepril ACEI;prevents conversion of AT1 to AT2,a potent vasoconstrictor which causes an increase in plasma renin activity and a reduction in aldosterone secretion-> results in decrease in BP, reduced Na absorption, and some K+ retention (also can cause ↑ diuresis
Nifedical XL, Procardia, Adalat Nifedipine Blocks movement of Ca2+ across cell membrane in systemic and coronary vascular smooth muscle (during depolarization), increase O2 delivery, decrease peripheral vascular resistance
Nitroquick, Nitrostat NTG Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and dilation of peripheral arteries and veins.
Norvasc Amlodipine Blocks movement of Ca2+ across cell membrane in systemic and coronary vascular smooth muscle (during depolarization), increase O2 delivery, decrease peripheral vascular resistance
Prinivil, Zestril Lisinopril ACEI;prevents conversion of AT1 to AT2,a potent vasoconstrictor which causes an increase in plasma renin activity and a reduction in aldosterone secretion-> results in decrease in BP, reduced Na absorption, and some K+ retention (also can cause ↑ diuresis
Tenormin Atenolol Blocks beta receptors, primarily affecting heart (slows rate), vascular system (decreases BP), and, to lesser extent, lungs (reduces function).
Vasotec Enalapril ACEI;prevents conversion of AT1 to AT2,a potent vasoconstrictor which causes an increase in plasma renin activity and a reduction in aldosterone secretion-> results in decrease in BP, reduced Na absorption, and some K+ retention (also can cause ↑ diuresis
Enbrel Etanercept Binds specifically to tumor necrosis factor (TNF), blocking its interaction with cell surface TNF receptors, and modulating biological responses induced or regulated by TNF
Remicade Infliximab Neutralizes the biological activity of tumor necrosis factor TNF–alpha by binding to its soluble and transmembrane forms, and inhibits TNF-alpha receptor binding
Created by: rivas1982
Popular Pharmacology sets




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