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Ch 10-16


Term in Congress 2 years
When is the election in Congress reg. election (1st tues after 1st monday in nov.)
when does new term for congress begin? Jan.3, odd# Yr. – Jan 3, odd# Yr. at NOON
Congress assembles and conducts business (Meeting) Session
what does Bicameral mean? one made up of two houses 1.historical-British made up of two houses 2.Practical- framers Two chamber body 3.theoredical-great compromise
meeting place in Congress Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
what is Article 1 in the Constitution say? Neither house may adjourn (ending a session) without consent of the other
how many members of the house? 435 (set by congress NEVER changes)
how many members of the senate? 100 (more states change)
what factors contribute to how many members in House? -Population census(more populated states get more reps) -Reapportion by US Congress (redistribute seats in the house) -Redistrict by states (states draw the lines for new districts) -Gerrymandering(drawing line so 1 party advantage over another-illegal)
What factors contribute to how many members in the Senate? 2 per state
Term for House? 2 years; entire house re-elected
Term for Senate? - 6 years - 1/3 every 2 years (expire every two years) - 17th Amendment (anyone who is qualified to vote for members of the legislature can vote for the members of the Senate)
requirements for Election of House? - 25 yrs old - 7 years a citizen - Resident of State (live in district)
requirements for Election of Senate? - 30 yrs old - 9 yrs a citizen - Resident of State
Legislators? make the laws
Committee Members? decide what proposals go through to the house or senate
Representatives of their Constituents? represent the people and to vote how the people want them to vote
Servants of their Constituents? try to help people who have various problems with the federal bureaucracy(nonelected government officials)
Politicians? influence public policies and decision making
Jobs of congress (5) 1.legislators 2.Committee Members 3.Representatives of their Constitutes 4.Servants of their Constituents 5.Politicians
3 privileges of Congress 1.Freedom from Arrest 2.Cloak of Legislative Immunity 3.Franking Privilege
What is Freedom from Arrest? prevents people from making charges against congressmen (except for high crimes)
What is Cloak of Legislative Immunity? Legislatures are protected from liability of civil lawsuits from duties they preform within their offices (the are immune from lawsuits)
What is Franking Privilege? allows members to mail letter and other materials postage-free by substituting their facsimile signature for the postage (signature instead of stamps)
what are the 3 types of discipline Congress members can experience Reprimand- to find fault with, less serious; no punishment (simple majority) Censure- to express disapproval, to condemn, more serious; punishment (simple majority) Explusion- to expel (2/3 majority)
Why can't congress increase their salary? (3) President’s Veto- the power to stop the bill from being passed Voter Backlash- criticism from the voters 27th Amendment- There can be no law that increases or decreases the salary of Congress until the next set of Representatives are elected
Who is the Ohio Representative? chabot
who are Ohio's two senators? Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman
President of the Senate? job, position, today? § Job: vote in the Senate in the case of a tie; presides over the Senate § Position is filled: Constitutional; The Vice President is the President of the Senate § Today: Joe Biden
President Pro Tempre? job, position, today? § Job: presides over the senate when the vice president can't make it § Position is filled: elected by Senate; Senator member of the majority § Today: Patrick Leahy
Majority Leader Senate? job, position, today? § Job: carry out decisions of their party, steer floor action; chief spokesman for party § Position is filled: elected by the majority party caucus § Today: Harry Reid
Majority Whip Senate? job, position? § Job: assistant to the majority and minority floor leaders; keep them in place and make sure they vote in party line; see who can be counted on § Position is filled: elected by the majority party caucus
Minority leader Senate? job, position, today? § Job: leads the party that does not have majority power § Position is filled: elected by the minority party caucus § Today: Mitch McConnell
Minority Whip Senate? job, position? § Job: assistant to the majority and minority floor leaders; keep them in place and make sure they vote in party line; see who can be counted on § Position is filled: elected by the minority party caucus
Committee Chairmen Senate? job, position? § Job: decide when committees meet, which bills to vote on, and when to hold public meetings, which witnesses to call, manage and steer a bill to final passing (stacked in favor of majority party)§ Position is filled: seniority;
Speaker of the House? job, position, today? § Job: presides and keeps order, signs bills, recognizes members, applies rules, refers to bill to committees, put motions to a vote. § Position is filled: elected by the house and the leader of the majority party § Today: John Boehner
Majority Leader House?job, position, today? § Job: carry out decisions of their party, steer floor action; chief spokesman for party § Position is filled: elected by the majority party caucus § Today: Eric Cantor
Majority Whip House? job, position? § Job: assistant to the majority and minority floor leaders; keep them in place and make sure they vote in party line; see who can be counted on § Position is filled: elected by the majority party caucus
Minority Leader House? job, position, today? § Job: planning opposition to the majority party § Position is filled: elected by the minority party caucus § Today: Nancy Pelosi
Minority Whip? job, position House? § Job: assistant to the majority and minority floor leaders; keep them in place and make sure they vote in party line; see who can be counted on § Position is filled: elected by the minority party caucus
Committee Chairmen House? job, position? § Job: decide when committees meet, which bills to vote on, and when to hold public meetings, which witnesses to call, manage and steer a bill to final passing (stacked in favor of majority party) § Position is filled: seniority;
4 types of Committees? § Standing: permanent § Select: limited time, specific purpose § Joint: members of both houses § Conference: created to iron out difference in a billed passed by HR and Senate
Describe the Bill making process see notes
what is the committee as a whole for the house? 100
what is the quorum for the house? 218
what is the quorum for the senate? 51
A provision not likely to pass on its own, attached to an important measure certain to pass ____ rider
after a bull is introduced by a senator, where does it go? standing committees
how many senators must be present on the floor of the senate before a vote on a bill can take place? 51 (quorum)
what happens to a bill if the house and senate pass a different version of the bill? goes to the conference committee
if congress is not in session and the president does not sign or veto a bill, what happens to the bill? after 10 days it dies (pocket veto)
if all senators are present, how many votes are necessary to pass the bill? 51
if the president vetoes a bill, congress can override his veto by what majority? 2/3
what is the purpose of a filibuster? to kill the bill
what vote is necessary to pass a bill from the senate to the house? majority
after a bill is introduced by a member of the house, where does it go? Speaker
how many members of the house must be present for committee of the whole? 100
what happens to a bill if the House and Senate passes the same version of the bill? goes to the president
what procedure is used to end a filibuster? cloture rule
what is needed for the cloture rule to take place/ 16 signatures; 60 votes (super majority)
how many days does the president have to sign or veto a bill after he receives it? 10 days
some senators have talked for hours to prevent a vote from taking place. this procedure is called a ____ filibuster
when a bill goes to the standing committee, what does the committee try to do? investigate
what happens to the bill after the conference committee agrees to a compromise? goes to the House and senate for a revote
where does a bill go after it is approved by a standing committee in the house rules committee
Most bills die at what point in the law making process? standing committee
what is the first step in the law making process? Authorship
Who may introduce a bill in the house of reps? representative of house
Where does a bill go after it is approved by a standing committee in the senate? majority and minority leaders
if a standing committee does not approve a bill, what happens to the bill? dies
how is a bill introduced in the House of Representatives? Hopper
if all members of the house are present, how many votes (number) are necessary to pass a bill? 218
how many votes are necessary to end a filibuster? 60
what part of congress has unlimited debate? senate
can a bill become a law without being sent to the president? no
what is a "pocket veto" let it sit when congress isn't in session
what votes is necessary to pass a bill from a standing committee to the next step if 20 members are on the committee? 11
describe the two types of bills? ○ Public Bill- Measure applying to the whole nation ○ Private Bill- Measure applying to a certain person or place
deals with matters concerning either house alone simple resolution
states a position, an opinion of both houses, does not have the force of a law concurrent resolution
passed by both houses, has the force of a law, deals with unusual or temporary matters joint resolution
a provision, not likely to pass on its own merit, attached to an important measure certain to pass rider
4 types of Legislative Powers in congress delegated (belongs to fed gov), expressed, implied, inherent
non legislative power in congress? election powers
Charge imposed by a Gov. upon persons and property to meet public needs Tax
3 purposes of a tax? 1) Raise Revenue 2) Protect Domestic Industry a) Has tariff on imports to equal prices 3) Protect public health and safety a) Tobacco and Alcohol sold legally, but not healthy (high tax to make less affordable)
8 types of taxes 2.indirect 3.income insurances stub 6.excise 7.tariff 8.fed budget
tax that must be paid by the person on whom it is imposed (sometimes added to the price of the product) 1) Sales tax direct tax
a tax imposed on one party, but passed on to another (Hidden is the price of the product) 1) Gas 2) Soup indirect tax
1) Imposed on individuals' wages and corporations' revenues 2) Largest source of Federal revenue 3) Progressive: the higher the income, the higher the rate of tax 4) NOT a flat tax (same percent) income tax
OASDI: Old Age, Survivors, Disability Insurance (Social Security) Social Insurances Taxes
what does FICA stand for? Fed Insurance Contribution Act
Health Care for the Elderly (1965 added to Social security) Medicare
People who can't afford medicare medicaid
joint Federal and State operation that makes payments to workers who lose their jobs for reasons beyond their control Unemployment Compensatio
describe the taxes that come out of a pay stub? 1) Gross- FIT(fed income tax)-SS- Medicare-SIT(state income tax)-LOCAL-NET
1) Imposed in the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods and/or the performance of services excise tax
1) Customs Duty, Imposts, Import Duty, 2) Tax on imports tariff
1) A plan for the collection (Revenues) and use (expenses) of money (13 Spending Bills) Federal budget
what is the fiscal year? Oct. 1st-Sept.30th
a measure which allows agencies to continue working based on previous year's appropriations CONTINUING RESOLUTION
OMB (Office of Management and Budget)-President-Congress-President (signs or vetoes) Fed. Agencies
Where money comes from for the fed budget? i. Individual income tax ii. Payroll taxed (FICA) iii. Corporate income taxes iv. Borrow 1) Banks Bonds
where does our tax money go? i. Benefits to individuals ii. Defense iii. Interest
yearly shortfall between Revenues and expenses deficit
Gov's outstanding debt i. Money borrowed and not yet paid back) Public debt
- revenues equal expenses balanced budget
what is our national debt? 16.6 trillion
charge people or property to raise money to meet public needs (not unlimited) taxation
describe borrowing? borrow as much money as they want with no restrictions
regulate interstate and foreign trade (not unlimited power) Commerce
coin money and regulate the value currency
describe the power of bankruptcy it frees the bankrupt from legal responsibility for debts (uniform law on bankrupts)
a charge levied by gov. on persons or property to raise money to meet public needs tax
gov. regularly spends more than it takes each year, then borrows to make up the difference deficit financing
any king of money that a creditor must by law accept in payment for debts legal tender
the legal process in which the bankrupt assets are distributed among those whom a debt is owed bankruptcy
which parts of the national gov share power in the field of foreign affairs congress and the prez
which part is primarily responsible for conducting foregin relations president
what is the role of the states in foregin affairs and why? they have no power bc they are not sovereign countries in international law
who has the power to declare war? congress (Spanish-american; 1812; WWI;WWII; Mexican war)
what did the war powers Resolution of 1973 state? Prez has 48 hours to report troops if sent to combat and if congress disapproves he has 60 days to bring back
what power gives congress the right to make laws regulating mailing? the postal power
what is the role of the national Institute of Standards and Technology in fulfilling an expressed power keeps the original standard (weight and measures) in which all other measures in the US are tested correctly (metric and English system)
the Constitution specifically mentions the following four kinds of federal crimes: 1.counterfeiting 2.piracies and felonies on high sea 3.treason 4.offenses against international law
what part of the national government has the expressed power of creating and providing for the organization of federal courts? congress
___ is the process of making non-citizens into citizens naturalization
___ protects the right of an author over original writings copyright
___ protects an inventor's right to inventions patent
___is the right of a government to take private property for public use eminent domain
what are two ways congress may propose an amendment to the Constitution? -2/3 vote in each house -ratified by 3/4 of states
what are some current issues that many americans have thought worthy of constitutional amendment? -balance the federal budget -prohibit flag burning -permit prayer in public schools -outlaw abortions -impose term limits on members of congress -prohibit same sex marriage
What is the electoral duty does the House have? elect the president if there is no majority (Happened 2 times; Jefferson and Adams)
What electoral duty does the Senate Have? to choose the vice president if there is not majority of electoral votes; 23 majority; 67 ppl (Nixon-> Ford new VP) (Ford appt. Rockefeller)
What roles does the House have in the impeachment process? it is the only one that can impeach (simple majority) (1868; 1999)
What role does the Senate have in the impeaching process? only allowed to judge and sit in court
what does impeach mean? to accuse
what are the two executive powers possessed by the Senate? confirm appointments made by the prez 2.accept/reject treaties
What is "Senatorial Courtesy"? refusing to confirm a presidents appointment if it is opposed by a senator
What is the usual forum for congressional investigations? committees
what are some reasons for congressional investigations? 1.gather information laws 3.find out if programs are administrated as intended
In the Senate NOT HOUSE, what power do they have for the president and vice president? try
Congress may ____ someone by issuing a formal condemnation of the individual's action censure
what is the 25th amendment? filling of vacancy of VP; prez nominate VP is approved by both houses
who had the longest filibuster? Strong Thurman (24 hrs)
3 powers only belonging to the house? 1.impeach the prez 2.elect the president if there is no majority bills
5 powers only belonging to the Senate? 1.try/judge the president 2.elect the vice president if there is no majority 3.accept/reject a treaty 4.refuse or confirm a president's appointment 5.filibuster
what 5 ways does congress check the president? 1.refuse/confirm a presidents appointment 2.impeachment 3.controls the budget 4.overrides a president veto 5.confirms treaties
what 3 ways does congress check the courts? 1.impeachment 2.approve judicial appointments 3.constitute amendments
Created by: lax5



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