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Stack #120604
# 20 Sentences
Question | Answer |
Hay una nueva pelicula en el cine. | There is a new film at the movie theater. |
Necesito comprar un cuaderno. | I need to buy a notebook. |
Encontramos un gatito abandonado. | We found an abandoned kitten. |
Me gustan los cuentos sobre animales. | I like stories about animals. |
Ella vive encima de la tienda. | She lives above the store. |
Sobre todo es importante ser honesto. | Above all it is important to be honest. |
John esta ausente hoy. | John is absent today. |
La maestra es distraida. | The teacher is absent-minded. |
La ambulancia llega al lugar del accidente. | The ambulance arrives at the site of the accident. |
El director conoce a los estudiantes. | The principal is acquainted with the students. |
No necesitamos una calculadora para sumar estos numeros. | We do not need a calculator to add these numbers. |
La carta esta dirigida a mi. | The letter is addressed to me. |
Mi direccion es 2020 Main. | My address is 2020 Main. |
Un adjetivo describe un sustantivo. | An adjective describes a noun. |
El nino admira a su papa. | The child admires his father. |
Los adultos pueden decidir adonde van de vacaciones. | Adults can decide where they go on vacation. |
Los padres dan consejos a sus hijos. | Parents give advice to their children. |
Mi mama siempre termina sus cartas "Con carino." | My mother always ends her letters "With affection." |
Tengo miedo de volar. | I am afraid to fly. |
El nino teme la oscuridad. | The child is afraid of darkness. |
Hay un baile despues de la cena. | There is a dance after dinner. |
Estudiamos por la tarde. | We study in the afternoon. |
Tengo que tomar mi examen otra vez. | I have to take my exam again. |
Debemos estar en contra de la contaminacion del aire. | We should be against air pollution. |
Los presidentes tienen un acuerdo. | The presidents have an agreement. |
El capitan siempre camina adelante. | The captain always walks ahead. |
La oficina de ayuda financiera esta abierta. | The financial aid office is open. |
El aeropuerto esta cerca de casa. | The airport is close to home. |
Usamos el aire acondicionado en el verano. | We use air conditioning in the summer. |
Este despertador es electrico. | This alarm clock is electric. |
Juan es parecido al padre. | Juan looks like his father. |
Los colores son parecidos. | The colors are alike. |
El nino quiere todo el pastel. | The child wants all the cake. |
Son casi las cinco. | It is almost five. |
Julia vive sola. | Julia lives alone. |
Ya es hora para salir. | It's already time to leave. |
Tambien necesito comprar zapatos y calcetines. | I also need to buy shoes and socks. |
El sol siempre sale por el este. | The sun always rises in the East. |
La ambulancia tiene una sirena. | The ambulance has a siren. |
John es norteamericano. | John is American. |
El es un hombre divertido. | He is an amusing man. |
Una hora tiene sesenta minutos. | An hour is sixty minutes. |
Hay un huevo en el refrigerador. | There is an egg in the refrigerator. |
Compramos manzanas y naranjas. | We buy apples and oranges. |
Mi papa esta enojado conmigo. | My dad is angry with me. |
Visitamos la granja y vemos los animales. | We visit the farm and see the animals. |
Los rayos-X muestran que el tobillo esta bien. | The x-rays show her ankle is all right. |
Manana es nuestro aniversario. | Tomorrow is our anniversary. |
Los mosquitos me molestan. | Mosquitos annoy me. |
Lorena compra otro libro. | Lorena is buying another book. |