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Cult. ANTH
Chapter 5
Term | Definition |
socialization | a process similar to enculturation that emphasizes social rather than cultural factors in learning ones culture |
social birth | social recognition of the transition to personhood |
child-bearing practices | methods used to take care of infants and young children, including ways of feeding, playing with, and carrying, as well as sleeping arrangements |
gender identity | the way that people think about themselves in terms of their sex, or how they present themselves as men or women |
rites of passage | rituals that mark culturally significant transitions throughout the life cycle, including birth, puberty, marriage and death |
initiation rites | rituals that mark a person's transition from childhood to adulthood |
naturalization | the process of learning and incorporating attitudes, values, and behaviors so that they seem natural or part of one's nature rather than learned cultural behavior |
independent self | concepts of individuals as self-contained, independent agents with a focus on their own thoughts, feelings and achievements |
interdependent self | concepts of individuals as connected to others, related to other people, with a focus on group needs rather than individual inner feelings, opinions and attitudes |
omoiyari | empathy with others |
national character | a constellation of behaviors and attitudes thought to be characteristic of a modal personality type prevalent in a particular country |
cultural-specific psychological disorders | psychological disorders that seem to occur with some frequency in certain cultures but are rare or absent in others |