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Yates Chp 9/10 Test

commander in chief head of armed forces
Head of executive president
regulatory commissions make rules for large industries and businesses
spoils system victorious politicians rewarding supporters with jobs
merit system getting a job based on your own skills/merit
government corporations businesses the government runs
Pendleton Act created the civil service system
moods and fears of people FDR defeated Hoover because......
treaty agreement between two or more countries
executive agreement agreement between two heads of state
mandates rules that have the force of law
2/3 override Const gives Congress this over Presidential veto
executive privilege right of the Pres to refuse to testify before Congress or give information
Jimmy Carter president nominated 7 times for Nobel Peace Prize
Failure to understand public mood shortcoming that can bring disaster to a president
Lyndon B Johnson which Vietnam era president chose not to run for re-election
impeachment In addition to override powers, Congress has this power over a president
Ronald Reagan the Great Communicator
President head of state in US
Department of Defense once called the Dept of War
President head of the executive in US
Contract with America program to eliminate govt waste
Plum Book not a civil service job
Hatch Act limits federal employees involvement in elections
Power of the Purse Major power Congress has over the President
Dept of Treasury ATF is part of which Dept?
impound to not spend money for programs
Richard Nixon 1970's president who impounded funds to eliminate social programs
mandate expressed will of the people
Dept of State dept responsible for overall foreign policy
representative of the nation represent US to all people
chief diplomat deals with foreign policy
chief agenda setter suggests legislation through the State of the Union address
economic planner suggests budget issues
party leader head of political party
Created by: DrYates
Popular American Government sets




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