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Deutsche Adjectiven

schön beautiful
herb dry (food)
gestorben dead
ekelhaft disgusting
klassisch classical
endlos endless
falsch wrong
ebenbürtig equal
irre lost, astray, wrong, insane
verwirrt confused
wichtig important
beredt eloquent
bedrückt depressed
scheu shy
verspannt tense, uptight
charmant charming
seltsam strange
fein fine
ungehobelt crude
hirnlos brainless
flott quick
grandios superb
leicht light, easy
bitter bitter
dramatisch dramatic
tapfer brave
tollkühn foolhardy
todschick posh, ultra fashionable
populär popular
elitär elitist
porzellan porcelain
vergnügt merry
lieblich lovely
unberührt untouched
flau weak
musikalisch musical
qualifiziert qualified
motiviert motivated
künstlerisch artistic
kreativ creative
hilfsbereit helpful
diszipliniert disciplined
schlank slim
sympathisch likeable
lustig funny
komisch funny
fleißig hard-working
zusammen together
rau rough, raw, harsh
wolkig cloudy
modisch fashionable, stylish, trendy
sonnig sunny
sportlich athletic
einzigartig unique
kaputt broken
müde tired
klar clear
früh early
hässlich ugly
neugierig curious
zornig angry
stumm silent, mute
intelligent intelligent
völlig completely
wunderschön gorgeous
ewig eternal
teuer expensive
durstig thirsty
dumm dumb
fröhlich joyous
dunkel dark
fern far
wirklich really
sehr very
fett fat
unzufrieden dissatisfied
faul lazy
toll great
schwach weak
gut good
kalt cold
schlecht bad
freundlich friendly
schmutzig dirty
hart hard
neu new
alt gammel
spät late
frei free
lang long
Created by: EVaughanDM2
Popular German sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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