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142 terms to "know for rest of life" is what my teacher describes

Abstract Thought, feeling, or idea
Scene Single time and single place in a play; a division within an act
Fiction Stories made-up from the imagination
Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds in poetry
Blank Verse Unrhymed iambic pentameter
Clause Group of words containing a subject AND a verb
Dramatic Irony Contradiction between what the audience knows and the characters know
Exposition Introduction of character, setting and plot
Fact Verifiable and true
Literal Language Language of trade, of a group
Hubris Ancient Greek sin of pride
Lyric poem Short, song-like poem of great emotion- usually a single event
Mood Reader's Response to a work of literature
Motivation Reasons a character behaves the way she or he does
Myth Made-up story to explain a phenomenon of nature
Novel A fiction book of long, narrative prose
Onomatopoeia Figure of speech in which sound equals meaning
Oxymoron Bringing together two contradictory terms e.g., a wise fool
Resolution/Conclusion Winding down of plot after the climax
Rhyme Scheme Pattern of rhymes at the end of poetic lines
Situational Irony Outcome very different than what is expected
Thesis Statement put forth by a writer to be proved
1st Person Narrator "I" point of view: limited
2nd Person Narrator "You" Point of view: limited
Omniscient Narrator An all-knowing point of view
Concrete Perceived by one or more senses
Act Major division of a play
Genre A division of literature
Antagonist Character in conflict with the protagonist
Soliloquy Character is center stage alone and expresses thoughts and feelings
Autobiography Non-fiction work written by an author about himself or herself
Avert Turn away
Ballad Poem that is based in folklore, tells a story and has a refrain
Biography Non-fiction work about a person's life
Climax Point of no return in a work of fiction; moment of greatest intensity in conflict
Comic Relief Inclusion of a witty character or funny scene in a serious work
Dialogue Conversation between two or more people in a written or spoken work
Dynamic Character Character who changes; may grow or deteriorate
Epic Long, narrative poem about a hero, often culturally grounded or based
Epic Simile Simile running several lines in length
Epilogue Story after the story
Essay An "attempt" to write a formal opinion
Etymology Study of the origins of words
External Conflict Struggle caused by a force outside the character- war, nature
Internal Conflict Conflict within a character- jealousy, fear
Opinion View or judgment not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
Falling action Series of events after the climax and ending in the resolution
Figurative language Language not meant to be taken literally
Foot Smallest unit of meter; contains at least one strong beat
Foreshadowing Looking forward in the text
Glossary A dictionary of special terms in a book
Haiku Concise Japanese poetry of seventeen syllables
Hyperbole An exaggeration
Iambic A short/long foot
Index Alphabetical list of contents with page numbers at the back of a book
Irony An unexpected twist of events or words
Metaphor Figurative language that is a direct comparison
Tone Author's attitude about his or her work
Ode Poem that elevates a common object
Parts of speech (8 parts) Verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection
Personification Giving human characteristics inanimate objects
Phrase Group of words with a subject OR a verb
Plot Linear sequence of events in a story
Prologue Story before a story
Rising action (complication) series of events that lead up to the climax
Root Smallest unit of meaning in a word
Run-on Sentence without end- stopped punctuation
Simile Comparison using like or as
Stanza Paragraph of poetry
Static Character Character who stays the same
stereotype Fixed image placed upon a group
suffix An affix added to the end of a word- beauti-FUL
Syllable Unit of pronunciation with a single vowel sound
Symbol Something that represents something else
Synonym Word that means the same
Table of Contents List of major parts in which they appear in a book
3rd Person Narrator Limited point of view using he or she
Drama A play acted out on stage, on television or on the radio
Poetry Genre of literature written inverse form
Alliteration Repetition of initial consonant sounds
Allusion Reference in a literary work to mythology, the Bible, or other historical point
Anachronism Out of the appropriate time
Protagonist Main character in a work of fiction
Antonym A word that means the opposite
Aside Remark not intended for others
Attribute (trait) Characteristic that makes a person distinctive
Couplet Two rhyming lines, often at the end of a sonnet
Characterization Creating a person, object, or animal to populate a story
Connotation Emotional content of words
Denotation Literal meaning of words
Diction Author's choice of words
Verisimilitude Creation of a believable word in fiction
Elegy A poem of mourning or contemplation (think deeply)
Enjambment One line of poetry runs into the next line
Epiphany Moment of sudden insight
Flashback Looking backward in the text
Foil Character who provides contrast to other characters, often the protagonist
Free verse Poetry of uneven rhyme, line length and meter
Homonym Word that sounds the same but means something different
Imagery Words that appeal to any or all of the senses
I Medias Res Story begins " the middle of things..."
Inciting Incident Plot element at the beginning of a story that heats up the action
Inference A conclusion made based on text
Jargon Language of trade, of a group
Memoir Historical account or biography written from personal Knowledge
Meter Rhythmic cadence of poetry
Motif Recurring piece of theme
Narrative Poem Poem that tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end
Paradox An apparent contradiction with a truth- parting is such a sweet sorrow
Pentameter Five feet per line
Point of view Angle of vision of the narrator
Prose Language written in ordinary form without metrical structure
Quatrain Four line stanza
Refrain Repetitive stanza or chorus
Rhythm Regular rise and fall of language
Sonnet A fourteen line poem written in iambic pentameter
Synesthesia Description of a sense using another sense
Tercet Three line stanza
Verbal Irony Writer or speaker says one thing and means something completely different
Homonym Word that sounds the same but means something different
Imagery Words that appeal to any or all of the senses
I Medias Res Story begins " the middle of things..."
Inciting Incident Plot element at the beginning of a story that heats up the action
Inference A conclusion made based on text
Jargon Language of trade, of a group
Memoir Historical account or biography written from personal Knowledge
Meter Rhythmic cadence of poetry
Motif Recurring piece of theme
Narrative Poem Poem that tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end
Paradox An apparent contradiction with a truth- parting is such a sweet sorrow
Pentameter Five feet per line
Point of view Angle of vision of the narrator
Prose Language written in ordinary form without metrical structure
Quatrain Four line stanza
Refrain Repetitive stanza or chorus
Rhythm Regular rise and fall of language
Sonnet A fourteen line poem written in iambic pentameter
Synesthesia Description of a sense using another sense
Tercet Three line stanza
Verbal Irony Writer or speaker says one thing and means something completely different
Verse Single line of poetry
Created by: Dudev1433
Popular Literature sets




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