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PTA Equip/Devices

ScoreBuilders PTA Chapter 9 material

What is a Nasogastric tube (NG Tube)? What is it used for? Plastic tube inserted through a nostril extending into stomach. Used for short-term liquid feeding, medication administration, or to remove gas from the stomach.
What is a Gastric tube (G Tube)? What is it used for? Tube inserted through a small incision in the abdomen into the stomach. Used for Long term feeding in the presence of difficulty with swallowing (usually anatomic or neurologic disorder) avoiding the risk of aspiration.
What is a Jejunostomy tube (J Tube)? What is it used for? Tube inserted through endoscopy into the jejunum via the abdominal wall. Used for Long term feeding
What is an Intravenous System (IV)? What is it used for? Has a steril fluid source, pump, clamp, and catheter to insert into a vein. Used for infusing fluids, electrolytes, nutrients, and medication.
What is an Arterial Line? What is it used for? Catheter inserted into an artery and attached to an electronic monitoring system. Used to measure blood pressure or obtain blood samples.
What is a Ventral venous pressure catheter? What is it used for? Used for measuring pressures in the right atrium or the superior vena cava by means of an indwelling venous catheter and a pressure manometer. It's used to evaluate (R) ventricular function, (R) atrial filling pressure, and circulating blood volume.
What is an indwelling right atrial catheter (Hickman)? What is it used for? It's inserted through the cephalic or internal jugular vein and is threaded into the superior vena cava and (R) atrium. Used for Long Term administration of substances into the venous system (EG: chemotherapy, total parental nutrition, antibiotics).
What is an Intracranial Pressure Monitor? What is it used for? Measures the pressure exerted against the skull using pressure sensing devices placed inside the skull.
What is an Oximeter? Determines SaO2 of blood. Most commonly applied to the finger or ear.
What is a Pulmonary artery catheter (Swan-Ganz Catheter)? A soft, flexible catheter that is inserted through a vein into the pulmonary artery. Used to provide continuous measurements of pulmonary artery pressure. Pt shouldn't move neck, head, extremities too much b/c it can disturb the line at the insertion site
What is a Nasal cannula? Tubing extending 1cm into the patient's nostrils. Tubing is connected to a common tube hooked up to an O2 tank. Used for delivering O2.
What is an Oronasal mask? Face piece designed to cover the nose and mouth with small vent holes to expel exhaled air along with a breathing tube and connector. Used most often for O2 therapy, can be used to administer meds.
What is a tent? How is it used medically? An O2 Tent refers to a canopy placed over the head and shoulders or the entire body for the purpose of delivering O2 at a higher than normal rate.
What is a tracheostomy mask? Placed over a stoma or tracheostomy for the purpose of administering supplemental O2. Mask is held in place by an elastic strap placed around the patient's neck.
What is an External catheter? Applied over the shaft of the penis, held in place by a padded strap or adhesive tape.
What's a Foley catheter? indwelling urinary tract catheter that has a balloon attachment at the indwelling end. Balloon is filled with air or sterile water and must be deflated before the catheter can be removed.
What's a Suprapubic catheter? An indwelling urinary catheter that's surgically inserted directly into the patient's bladder (performed under general anesthesia).
What is a chest tube? What is it used for? flexible plastic tube inserted through an incision into the side of the chest. It's used to suction air, fluid or pus from the intrathoracic space.
What is a mechanical ventilator? Produces a controlled flow of gas into a patient's airways. It produces a positive pressure that produces lung inflation. Usually used for patients requiring long term support.
What is an Ostomy device? Method for collecting waste from a surgically produced opening in the abdomen. (Stoma extends into the small intestine, waste collects into a plastic bag or pouch covering the stoma. Usually air and water tight-- allows user to lead an active lifestyle.
Diagnostic tests: Arteriography Radiograph that visualizes injected radiopaque dye in an artery
Diagnostic tests: Arthrography Invasive test using contrast medium to provide visualization of joint structures through radiographs. Soft tissue disruption can be identifed by leakage from the joint cavity and capsule. (Commonly used @ peripheral joints)
Diagnostic tests: Bone Scan Invasive test uses isotopes to identify stress fractures, infection, and tumors. They can identify bone disease or stress fractures with as little as 4-7% bone loss.
Diagnostic tests: Computed Tomography Produces cross-sectional images based on x-ray attenuation. Computerized analysis of the changes in absorption produces a detailed reconstructed image. Commonly used to diagnose spinal lesions and studies of the brain.
Diagnostic tests: Doppler Ultrasonography Relies on the transmission and reflection of high freq sound waves to produce cross-sectional images in a variety of planes. Evaluates blood flow in the major veins, arteries, and cerebrovascular system.
Diagnostic tests: Electrocardiography recording of the electrical activity of the heart. Identifies the P-wave, QRS complex, and the T-wave.
Diagnostic tests: Elecroencephalography records electrical activity of the brain. Used to assess seizure activity, metabolic disorders and cerebellar lesions.
Diagnostic tests: Electromyography (EMG) Records electrical activity of muscles or muscle groups at rest and during voluntary contraction.
Diagnostic tests: Fluoroscopy Designed to show motion in joints through x-ray imaging. Technique permits objects placed between fluorescent screen and a roentgen tube to become visible. Not used commonly because of excessive radiation exposure.
Diagnostic tests: MRI Non-invasive technique, uses magnetic fields to produce an image of bone and soft tissue. MRI requires patient to remain still for prolonged periods of time. Very expensive.
Diagnostic tests: Myelography invasive test combining fluoroscopy and radiography to evaluate the spinal subarachnoid space. Test utilizes a contrast medium injected into the epidural space by spinal puncture. Identifies bone displacement, disc herniation, SC compression, & tumors
Diagnostic tests: X-Ray radiographic photography used to assist the diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems such as fractures, dislocations, and bone loss.
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