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Don Quixote
Chapter 2
Español | Inglés |
hechos | made, done |
dar parte | informing |
viese | seeing |
calurosos | hot |
subió | he got on |
campo | country |
apenar | to greive, sadden, pain |
asaltó | came upon |
armado | armed |
conforme a | consistent with, according to |
caballería | chivalry, knighthood |
titubear | to hesitate |
propósito | purpose |
propuso | he suggested, proposed |
proponer | to suggest, propose |
se topase | met with |
imitación | imitation |
anochecer | dusk |
hallar | to find, discover |
lejos | far, in the distance |
anochecía | it was getting dark |
viles | common |
doncellas | maidens |
mozas | young girl |
adarga | shield |
desaguisado | illegal act |
atañer | to concern, to have to do with |
presenciar | to witness, to attend |
demostrar | to show, demonstrate |
fuera | distant |
tener la risa | to keep from laughing |
lenguaje | language |
talle | appearance, figure |
acrecentaban | increased |
adelante | foward, further on |
aquel | that |
ventero | innkeeper |
pacífico | peaceful |
posada | lodging, shelter |
amén de | besides |
lecho | bed |
demás | the rest (of) |
arreos | dress |
descanso | rest, break |
dura | hard |
peñas | rocks |
velar | to watch |
manidas | shelters |
escura | dark |
caminos | roads, paths |
mudanzas | changes |
dañar | to injure |
sierra | mountain |
orillas | shores |
ventura | good fortune |
avadar | to ford |
comportar | to tolerate |
alcaide | governor |
cualquiera | any, ordinary |
basta | is enough |
arreos | dress, ornamentations |
etcétera | etc. |
huésped | host |
apear | to dismount |
seguridad | confidence, sureness |
choza | hut |
ocasión | occasion |
ocasionar | to cause, to bring about |
cuanto más | much less |
estribo | stirrup |
luego | later, then, next |
mitad | half |
mandaba | to order, send |
entretanto | meanwhile |
ya | already |
quitar | to remove, to take off |
preciso | to require, to need |
cortar | to cut |
aquel | that |
fresco | fresh air |
materia | matter |
conseguir | to get, obtain |
quedar | to be |
pieza | animal |
acomodándolo | putting him |
caballeriza | stable |
desarmándolo | disarming him |
peto | breastplate |
espaldar | backpiece |
celada | helmet |
atada | tied |
nudos | knots |
puesta | in place, on |
acertó | happened |
bacalao | codfish |
remojado | water-soaked |
cocido | cooked |
mugriento | greasy, dirty |
alzada | raised |
visera | visor |
alimento | food |
caña | straw, reed |
cabo | end |
echó | poured |
fatigaba | bothered |