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Vet 1250 Blood

Blood Review

Hematology is the study of Blood
Blood is what percent of total body weight 7-8%
What are the functions of blood Transportation, regulation, immunology
What is normal blood PH 7.4
What things does blood transport waste, O2, nutrients, hormones
What is blood composed of Plasma (liquid portion) and formed elements (rbc, wbc, platelets)
Define Erythrocytes Red blood cells
Define Leukocytes White blood cells
Define Thrombocytes platlets
What are the 3 plasma proteins Albumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen
What do erythrocytes carry through the body Oxygen
What do thrombocytes do help prevent leaks
What do leukocytes do fight infection
Plasma contains ___. Serum does not. Clotting factors
Serum does not contain ___. Plasma does. Clotting factors
To prevent plasma from clotting we use purple top tubes which contain EDTA
A buffy coat consists of mostly WBCs
A buffy coat appears in ____ blood Centerfuged
Red top tubes contain Nothing
Define hematopoesis The production of blood
What is the most common type of stain for hematology Wrights stain
Mature red blood cells do not contain a nucleus
RBCs are deformable but not elastic
Define reticulocytes Immature RBCs
Hematopoietic stem cells are stimulated by erythropoietin
Hematopoietic stem cells create surplus RBCs
Erythropoietin is produced in the kidneys
Erythropoietin can help to detect hypoxia
Extra RBCs are stored in the spleen
During extravascular hemolysis iron is transported to red bone marrow
Define hemolysis The destruction of RBCs
During extravascular hemolysis amino acids from globulin are transported to liver
During extravascular hemolysis, heme (the colored portion of blood) is converted to bilirubin
During extravascular hemolysis converted billirubin is transported to liver
Name the 3 granulocytes Neutrophil, Basophil, Eosinophil
Name the 2 agranulocytes monocyte, lymphocyte
Neutrophils contain how many lobulated cells 3-5
Seeing an excess of neutrophils suggests bacterial infection
Eosinophils are what color pink/red
Eosinophils are very susceptible to allergic reactions
Seeing an excess of Eosinophils suggests an allergic or parasitic reaction
Basophils are what color bluish
Which granulocyte is very rare to see basophils
Basophils participate with mast cells
Lymphocytes are what type of cell immune cells
Lymphocytes are produced in lymphoid organs
T lymphocytes are produced where thymus
The thymus does what in adults shrinks
B lymphocytes convert to plasma cells
Plasma cells produce IgG aka immunoglobulin
B lymphocytes produce specific antibodies for specific antigens
Monocytes are phagocytic: True or False True
Monocytes are the ___ cells in WBCs largest
Thrombocytes are called megakaryocytes
Clotting requires what 3 things Fibrinogen, prothrombin, calcium
Fibrinogen (water soluble) changes to ____ (not water soluble) fibrin
Lymph vessels carry lymphocytes
Name the 4 lymph tissues Lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils
Lymph nodes are stations for what filtering
What is the largest lymphatic system spleen
The thymus is located in the neck
The thymus is prominent in young animals
What is the function of tonsils to prevent the spread of infection
Interferon is a protein produced after infection with virus
T-cells attack directly
B-cells attack indirectly
Antibodies assist ___ in fighting B-cells
T-cells become sensitized after attaching to an antigenic site
Memory cells remember specific antigens
___ is the most abundant immunoglobulin IgG
___ is the immunoglobulin associated with allergic reaction IgE
B lymphocytes take how long to form a defense 2 weeks
Natural active immunity is when your body produces its own antigens
Natural passive immunity is when mother passes antigens through colostrum
Artificial active immunity is when a vaccine is received
Artificial passive immunity is when an immune serum is received
Created by: Originalluff
Popular Veterinary sets




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