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Don Quixote

Chapter 1

sobrina niece
hidalgo gentleman, nobleman
afición liking
juicio judgement, mind
extraño strange
patria native country
género kind, sort
ama housekeeper
no llegaba was not yet
frisaba bordered
complexión recia strong constitution
seco de carnes lean
enjuto de rostro with a lean face
madrugador early riser
caza hunting
caballero gentleman, knight
ocioso idle
caballería knight-errantry
rematado totally destroyed
convenible appropriate
aumento increase
caballero andante knight errant
ejercitarse en to engage in
deshaciendo undoing
agravio offense
determinación determination, decision
desear to desire
flaco weak
valioso valuable
sonoro sonorous, rich
se dio prisa he hurried
bisabuelos great-grandparents
cartón cardboard
hierro iron
cintas ribbons
rocín nag
amo master
estuviese should be
a su parecer in his opinion
puesto having given
gastó spent
al cabo finally
acordar to agree
célebre famous, well-known
contentar to please
añadió added
linaje lineage
faltar to be lacking
cuerpo body
labradora farmer
pensamiento thought
músico musical
demás the rest
a secas simply, singly
dama lady
de enamorarse to fall in love with
hojas leaves
alma soul
Created by: kbreid
Popular Spanish sets




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