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Spanish 7A volcab

Spanish 7A volcabulary

el aceite cooking oil
el ajo garlic
el caldo broth
el camaron (accent on the 'O') shrimp
la estufa stove
el fregadero sink
el fuego fire, heat
el horno oven
los mariscos shellfish
el microondas microwave
la olla pot
el pedazo piece, slice
el refrigerador refrigerator
la salsa salsa, sauce
la sarten (accent on the 'E') frying pan
el vinagre vinegar
anadir (accent on the 'N') to add
no anadir (accent on the 'N') don't add
batir to beat
calentar to heat
la cucharada tablespoon (full)
freir (accent 'I') to fry
hervir to boil
el ingrediente ingredient
mezclar to mix
pelar to peel
picar to chop
probar to taste, to try
la receta recipe
al horno baked
apagar to turn off
caliente hot
Como se hace? (accent on the first 'O') How do you make?
Con que se sirve? (accent on the first 'E') What do you serve it with?
congelado frozen
dejar to leave, to let
no dejes don't leave, don't let
encender to turn on, to light
enlatado canned
fresco fresh
frito fried
olvidarse de to forget about/to
no te olvides de don't forget about/to
tirar to spill, to throw away
no tires don't spill, don't throw away
se puede you can
No hables. Don't speak.
No comas. Don't eat.
No escribas. Don't write.
Created by: sandlover3
Popular Spanish sets




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