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Don Quixote

Chapter 3

acabada finished
encerrándose locking himself up
hincó de rodillas kneeled
capilla chapel
velaré I will guard
en pro de on behalf of
menesterosos needy
socarrón sly, mischievous
barruntos inklings
huésped guest, lodger
derribada torn down
dondequiera anywhere
blanca money
se engañaba was wrong
menester necessary
escuderos squires
pila trough
pozo well
abrazando embracing
asió seized
armazón knighting
novel novice
se le antojó it occurred
arrieros muleteers
recua herd
soltando dropping
alzó raised
golpe blow
derribó he knocked down
maltrecho seriously hurt
recogió picked up, gathered
acudió went toward
heridos wounded (men)
llover piedras to throw stones, rocks
se reparaba warded off
daba voces shouted
tirar to throw
retirar to remove
burlas antics
se disculpó apologized
se disculpó apologized
gente baja scoundrels
atrevimiento daring
restaba remained
acometido attacked
medroso fearful
asentaba kept an account
paja straw
cebada barley
cabo piece
vela candle
mitad middle
espaldarazo blow on the back
rezaba was praying
ciñese gird, put on
reventar la risa to burst out laughing
proezas deeds
a raya restrained
lides conflicts
calzó put on
espuela spur
ensilló saddled
Created by: kbreid
Popular Spanish sets




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