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Don Quixote

Capitulo 4

alba dawn
consejos advice
acomodarse to obtain
a propósito suitable
aldea village
gana, ganas desire
bosque forest
se quejaba was complaining
reindas reins
encaminó directed
yegua mare
encina oak tree
desnudo bare
azotes lashes
pretina belt
airada angry
arrimada a leaned against
arrendada hitched
blandiendo brandishing
se tuvo por muerto gave himself up for dead
manada flock
contornos vicinity
descuidado careless
bellaquería knavery
soldada pay
miente lies
villano peasant
desátelo untie him
picó spurred
asiéndolo seizing him
tropel crowd
mercaderes traders
seda silk
quitasoles parasols
apenas hardly
venir allí de molde to be just what he needed
continente appearance
denuedo boldness
pecho chest
juzgaba judged
trecho distance
ademán manner
sin par peerless
al son de at the sound of
echaron de ver noticed
notoria evident, known, notorious
jurar to swear
descomunal uncommon
soberbia arrogant
ralea breed
confiado en confident in
suplico I beg
no encarguemos we may not burden
retrato portrait
complacerlo to please you
arremetió charged
tropezara stumbled
fue rodando went rolling
embarazo impediment
peso weight
hecho pedazos broken into pieces
palos blows
deshizo he wore out
tempestad tempest, showering, storming
amenazando threatening
malandrines scoundrels
molido flogged, beaten
deshecho destroyed
dichoso fortunate, lucky
abrumado crushed
Created by: kbreid
Popular Spanish sets




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