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Question | Answer |
What are the general signs of Bi syndrome? | ache, pain, soreness, numbness, heaviness, cold sensation or redness, heat sensation, swelling or difficulty of movement in the affected muscles, tendons, bones and joints |
What are the classifications of Bi syndrome? | 1.Wind-Cold-Dampness Bi (subdivided into Wind-dominant, Cold-dominant, Damp-dominant) 2. Wind-Dampness-Heat Bi, 3. Blood Stasis and Phlegm Bi, 4.Qi, Blood, Liver, Kidney (& Spleen) deficiency Bi |
Which Bi syndrome pattern is excess with underlying deficiency? | Blood Stasis & Phlegm Bi |
What is the pathology of Bi syndrome? | Wind, cold, dampness, heat invading the body, lodging in the muscles, joints, tendons and bones, obstructing the flow of qi & blood through the channels and collaterals |
What are the etiological factors that may lead to Bi syndrome? | 1. Pre-existence of temporary deficiency of the body’s qi & blood, weak constitution, deficient wei qi, 2. Exposure to adverse or unseasonable weather, 3. Prolonged living in a damp or cold environment, wading in water, exposure to wind after swimming, |
What are the crucial points for making a Bi diagnosis? | 1. Identify predominant pathogenic factor, 2. Differentiate between excess and deficiency |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Wind-dominant Bi? | EXPEL WIND, remove obstructions from channels, scatter cold, resolve dampness, (and nourish blood to eliminate wind) |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Wind-dominant Bi? | Xuan Bi Da Jin Tang (stronger) OR Fang Feng Tang (weak, needs modifications) |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? | WARM the channels, SCATTER COLD, dispel wind, resolve dampness, (remove obstructions/open meridians, warm and tonify the yang qi, invigorate blood) |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? | Wu Tou Tong (strong, toxic) OR Yi Huo San Han Tang (preferred for safety) |
What is the patent medicine for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? | Xiao Hou Luo Dan |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Dampness-dominant Bi? | ELIMINATE DAMPNESS, unblock the channels, dispel wind, scatter cold, (strengthen Sp qi) |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Dampness-dominant Bi? | Yi Yi Ren Tang |
When treating Wind-Cold-Dampness Bi, if it is not clear which pathogen predominates, what is the preferred formula? | Juan Bi Tang |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Heat-dominant Bi? | CLEAR HEAT, RESOLVE TOXIN, expel wind, eliminate dampness, unblock the channels, (reduce swelling, stop pain) |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Heat-dominant Bi? | Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang AND Er Miao San; OR Xuan Bi Tang |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity? | ELIMINATE BLOOD STASIS, UNBLOCK THE CHANNELS, transform phlegm, expel wind/pathogenic factors, stop pain |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity? | Tao Hong Yin OR Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang |
Formulas that treat Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity focus on which aspect of the pattern? | invigorate blood, (not transform phlegm) |
What are the treatment principles for addressing Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency? | Supplement qi & blood, tonify Lv & Kd, expel wind-cold-dampness, (unblock channels) |
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency? | Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang |
When treating Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency in cases where the Qi & Blood deficiency predominate, what is the preferred formula? | Qi Xue Bing Bu Rong Jing Tang |
What are some patent medicines that treat Bi syndrome? | 1. Joint Inflammation Teapills (Guan Jie Wan), 2. Extra Strength Pursue Wind, Penetrate Bone Pills (Qiang Li Zhui Feng Tou Gu Wan), 3. Three Painful-Obstruction Decoction Pills (San Bi Tang Teapills), 4. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang |
List some herbs that treat Wind-Cold-Damp Bi? | Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Wei Ling Xian, Mu Gua, Chuan Wu, Hai Feng Tang, Sheng Jiang Teng, Wu Jia Pi |
List some herbs that treat Wind-Heat-Damp Bi? | Qing Jiao, Fang Ji, Sang Zhi, Xi Xian Cao, Luo Shi Teng, Hai Tong Pi, Ci Gua Luo, Si Wu Tong, Ren Dong Tang |
List some herbs that strengthen bones and sinews. | Gou Ji, Wu Jia Pi, Xu Duan, Du Zhong, Gu Sui Bu, Qian Nian Jian |
List some herbs that invigorate blood, open meridians. | Ji Xue Teng, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Di Long, Mo Yao, Ru Xiang |
What are the ingredients in Juan Bi Tang? | Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Qin Jiao, Sang Zhi, Hai Feng Teng, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Ru Xiang Mu Xiang, Gui Zhi, Zhi Gan Cao |
What are the ingredients in Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang? | Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, Geng Mi (rice), Gui Zhi; add Ren Dong Teng, Lian Qiao, Huang Bai, Hai Tong Pi, Sang Zhi, Fang Ji, Jiang Huang, Wei Ling Xian |
What are the ingredients in Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang? | Du Huo, Xi Xin, Fang Feng, Qin Jiao, Sang Ji Sheng, Du Zhong, Huai Niu Xi, Rou Gui, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Sheng Di Huang, Bai Shao, Ren Shen, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao |