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What are the general signs of Bi syndrome?
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What are the classifications of Bi syndrome?
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What are the general signs of Bi syndrome? ache, pain, soreness, numbness, heaviness, cold sensation or redness, heat sensation, swelling or difficulty of movement in the affected muscles, tendons, bones and joints
What are the classifications of Bi syndrome? 1.Wind-Cold-Dampness Bi (subdivided into Wind-dominant, Cold-dominant, Damp-dominant) 2. Wind-Dampness-Heat Bi, 3. Blood Stasis and Phlegm Bi, 4.Qi, Blood, Liver, Kidney (& Spleen) deficiency Bi
Which Bi syndrome pattern is excess with underlying deficiency? Blood Stasis & Phlegm Bi
What is the pathology of Bi syndrome? Wind, cold, dampness, heat invading the body, lodging in the muscles, joints, tendons and bones, obstructing the flow of qi & blood through the channels and collaterals
What are the etiological factors that may lead to Bi syndrome? 1. Pre-existence of temporary deficiency of the body’s qi & blood, weak constitution, deficient wei qi, 2. Exposure to adverse or unseasonable weather, 3. Prolonged living in a damp or cold environment, wading in water, exposure to wind after swimming,
What are the crucial points for making a Bi diagnosis? 1. Identify predominant pathogenic factor, 2. Differentiate between excess and deficiency
What are the treatment principles for addressing Wind-dominant Bi? EXPEL WIND, remove obstructions from channels, scatter cold, resolve dampness, (and nourish blood to eliminate wind)
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Wind-dominant Bi? Xuan Bi Da Jin Tang (stronger) OR Fang Feng Tang (weak, needs modifications)
What are the treatment principles for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? WARM the channels, SCATTER COLD, dispel wind, resolve dampness, (remove obstructions/open meridians, warm and tonify the yang qi, invigorate blood)
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? Wu Tou Tong (strong, toxic) OR Yi Huo San Han Tang (preferred for safety)
What is the patent medicine for addressing Cold-dominant Bi? Xiao Hou Luo Dan
What are the treatment principles for addressing Dampness-dominant Bi? ELIMINATE DAMPNESS, unblock the channels, dispel wind, scatter cold, (strengthen Sp qi)
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Dampness-dominant Bi? Yi Yi Ren Tang
When treating Wind-Cold-Dampness Bi, if it is not clear which pathogen predominates, what is the preferred formula? Juan Bi Tang
What are the treatment principles for addressing Heat-dominant Bi? CLEAR HEAT, RESOLVE TOXIN, expel wind, eliminate dampness, unblock the channels, (reduce swelling, stop pain)
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Heat-dominant Bi? Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang AND Er Miao San; OR Xuan Bi Tang
What are the treatment principles for addressing Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity? ELIMINATE BLOOD STASIS, UNBLOCK THE CHANNELS, transform phlegm, expel wind/pathogenic factors, stop pain
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity? Tao Hong Yin OR Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Formulas that treat Bi with Blood Stasis & Phlegm Turbidity focus on which aspect of the pattern? invigorate blood, (not transform phlegm)
What are the treatment principles for addressing Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency? Supplement qi & blood, tonify Lv & Kd, expel wind-cold-dampness, (unblock channels)
What are the preferred formulas for addressing Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency? Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
When treating Bi with Depletion of Qi & Blood, and Kd & Lv deficiency in cases where the Qi & Blood deficiency predominate, what is the preferred formula? Qi Xue Bing Bu Rong Jing Tang
What are some patent medicines that treat Bi syndrome? 1. Joint Inflammation Teapills (Guan Jie Wan), 2. Extra Strength Pursue Wind, Penetrate Bone Pills (Qiang Li Zhui Feng Tou Gu Wan), 3. Three Painful-Obstruction Decoction Pills (San Bi Tang Teapills), 4. Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
List some herbs that treat Wind-Cold-Damp Bi? Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Wei Ling Xian, Mu Gua, Chuan Wu, Hai Feng Tang, Sheng Jiang Teng, Wu Jia Pi
List some herbs that treat Wind-Heat-Damp Bi? Qing Jiao, Fang Ji, Sang Zhi, Xi Xian Cao, Luo Shi Teng, Hai Tong Pi, Ci Gua Luo, Si Wu Tong, Ren Dong Tang
List some herbs that strengthen bones and sinews. Gou Ji, Wu Jia Pi, Xu Duan, Du Zhong, Gu Sui Bu, Qian Nian Jian
List some herbs that invigorate blood, open meridians. Ji Xue Teng, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Di Long, Mo Yao, Ru Xiang
What are the ingredients in Juan Bi Tang? Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Qin Jiao, Sang Zhi, Hai Feng Teng, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Ru Xiang Mu Xiang, Gui Zhi, Zhi Gan Cao
What are the ingredients in Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang? Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Zhi Gan Cao, Geng Mi (rice), Gui Zhi; add Ren Dong Teng, Lian Qiao, Huang Bai, Hai Tong Pi, Sang Zhi, Fang Ji, Jiang Huang, Wei Ling Xian
What are the ingredients in Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang? Du Huo, Xi Xin, Fang Feng, Qin Jiao, Sang Ji Sheng, Du Zhong, Huai Niu Xi, Rou Gui, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Sheng Di Huang, Bai Shao, Ren Shen, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao
Created by: sralph
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