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La Bolsa the stock market
Las Acciones the stocks
los bonos the bonds
la inversion investments
inversionistas investors
compra the buying
venta the selling
el agente de bolsa stock brocker
moneda moncy
tasa rate
la banca the banking industry
el banco the bank
banquero banker
el comercio the trade
el comerciante buisness man in trad
el negocio the buisness
negociante buisnesssman
la industria industry
industrial factory owner
la empresa the company
empresario the company onwer
la fabrica the factory
la hacienda the farm
el hacendado the farmer
el terrateniente the land owner
el latifundio vast lands
lafifudista the owner of un latifudio
la reforma agraria giving lands from little people to lots
propietario owner
hacienda treasury department
impuestos taxes
ingreso income
empleo employment
desempleo unemployment
desocupado unemployed
subocupado employed part time
jubilado retired
sueldo salary
ahorrar guardar dinero
cuenta de ahorras bank account
cobrar to charge
cheque check
cajero automatico atm
interes interest
hipotetica mortgate
sindicato union
prestar to loan
negociar to negociate
invertir to invest
fabricado made
interno internal
externo external
promedio average
nivel level
desarollo economico economical development
la deuda the debt
intercambio exchage
desigualdad inequality
estranjero abroad
materia prima raw material
el suelo the ground
emplear to employ
jubilarse to retire
aumentar to increase
crecer to grrow
disminuir to decrease
estimular to stimulate
desarrollar to develop
atraer to attract
mejorar to better
empeorar to worsen
la huelga strike
el paro work stoppage
Created by: awe
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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