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Industry In NC

Chapter 18 Study Guide

What does suffrage mean? women's voting rights
The Snow family was associated with what industry? furniture
The Battle family was associated with what industry? textile
The Holt family was associated with what industry? textile
The Reynolds family was associated with what industry? tobacco
The Cannon family was associated with what industry? textile
The Ramseurs family was associated with what industry? textile
The Duke family was associated with what industry? tobacco
The Tate family was associated with what industry? furniture
The Wrenn family was associated with what industry? furniture
What does temperance mean? abolition of alcohol
What is the raw material of the furniture industry? trees
Name three reforms promoted by women and religious groups. help for mentally ill, temperance, suffrage
What enabled the textile, tobacco and furniture industries to expand at this time? railroads
The Duke family created the ____________________________ to sell cigarettes around the world. cigarette rolling machine
The __________________________________ was established when three men combined their life savings. High Point Furniture Manufacturing Company
This city in NC is where the furniture industry started High Point
What was the raw material of the tobacco industry? tobacco
What was the raw material of the furniture industry? trees
What is a monopoly? When one person owns several companies within a particular industry
Name one example of how companies controlled peoples lives in NC during this time period. by providing houses, loaning money
Name three items supported by new Democratic leaders after 1898. pensions for civil war veterans and their widows, Direct primaries, public education, created increased funding for orphanages and institutions for the mentally ill
What does the Sherman Antitrust Act prevent? monopolies
populism belief of political leaders that focuses on the average person
progressivism progress is only possible by improving self anf society
prohibition to ban the making and selling of alcohol
tenant farming system where a farmer rents or provides land and equipment
sharecropping system where a farmer rents or provides land
JP Morgan monopolized the banking industry
Rockerfellar family that monopolized the oil industry
consolidate to combine several parts or pieces to make one whole
Leonidas L. Polk important NC legislator
What is the raw material of the textile industry? cotton
What is the imaginary shape made by growing industries in the Piedmont region of NC The Piedmont Crescent
Created by: kimberlie.harmon
Popular American Government sets




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