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review of library terms
Question | Answer |
What is on the spine of the book that tells the books location? | Call # |
A book that is a story with pictures belongs in which section? | Easy |
A book that is a story with chapters belongs in which section? | Fiction |
A book that gives information belongs in which section? | Nonfiction |
A book that is about a person belongs in which section? | Biography |
What do we use to look up the call # of a book? | OPAC |
What is the name of the recipie that we use to solve problems? | WWW.USE or The Big 6 |
What is step 1-W? | What is my problem? |
What is step 2-W? | What sources do I need? |
What is step 3-W? | Where are my sources? |
What is step 4-U? | Use the sources. |
What is step 5-S? | Synthesize or Solve the Problem |
What is step 6-E? | Evaluate |
What is it called when we take good notes and leave the 'unwanted' in the source? | Trash and Treasure |
What is on the call # of an Easy book? | E, Author's last name |
What is on the call # of a Fiction book? | FIC, Author's last name |
What is on the call # of a Biography? | B, Person's last name |
What is on the call # of a Nonfiction book? | Numbers, Author's last name |
In what step of the Big 6 do you ask any questions you might have? | Step 1: What is my problem? |
Which is not a good source of information? nonfiction book, fiction book, Internet | fiction book--it's a story |
'Farm Animals' would be a book from which section? | Nonfiction |
'Clifford's First Sleepover' would be a book from which section? | Easy |
'Benjamin Franklin' would be a book from which section? | Biography |
'Little House on the Prarie' would be a book from which section? | Fiction |
What is the name of your FABULOUS librarian? | :) |