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Similar Words

acenta agent/agency
adaptasyon adaptation
adres address
akademi academy
akademik academic
akrobasi acrobacy
aksan accent
aksesuar accessory
aksiyon action
aktif active
aktif active
aktivite activity
aktör actor
aktris actress
aktüel actual
akümülatör accumulator
alarm alarm
alarm alarm ( as a noun )
albüm album
aLfabe alphabet
aLfabetik alphabetical
alkol alcohol
aLkoL alcohol
alo hello (only on the phone )
alternatif alternative
aLternatif alternative
alüminyum aluminium
alüvyon alluvium
ambulans ambulance
ambuLans ambulance
analiz analysis
analize analysis
anarşiye anarchy
anatomi anatomy
anonim anonymous
anons announcement
anormal abnormal
ansiklopedi encyclopedia
anten antenna
antisosyal antisocial
antitez antithesis
antropoloji anthropology
aplikasyon application
aristokrasi aristocracy
aritmetik arithmetic
arkeoloji archaeology
armoni harmony
asit acid
asit acid
aspirin aspirin
astroloji astrology
astronot astronaut
atlet athlete
atmosfer atmosphere
atmosfer atmosphere
atom atom
atom atom
avantaj advantage
avukat lawyer [advocate]
aysberg iceberg
bagaj baggage/luggage
bakteri bacterial
balistik ballistic
balkon balcony
banka bank
bant band
bar bar
barbar barbarian
barikat barricade
bariyer barrier
barok baroque
barometre barometer
bibliyografya bibliography
bienal biennial
bisiklet bicycle
bisküvi biscuit
biyografi biography
biyoloji biology
biyopsi biopsy
boks boxe
bomba bomb
bomba bomb
bot boat [also a pair of boots]
botanik botany
boykot boycott
bürokrasi bureaucracy
büst bust
bütçe budget
çakal jackal [the animal]
CD [sii dii] CD
çek check/cheque
ceket jacket
centilmen gentleman
çet yapmak to chat [only over the Internet]
çikolata chocolate
coğrafya geography
coğrafya geography
dans dance
dans etmek to dance
defans defence (in football)
deformasyon deformation
dejenerasyon degeneration
deklarasyon declaration
dekorasyon decoration
delege delegate
demokrasi democracy
demokrat/demokratik democratic
deoderant deodorant
departman departmant
depozit deposit
depresyon depression
derece degree
desene design
despot despot
detay detail
detaylı detailed
deterjan detergent
dezavantaj disadvantage
diktatör dictator
dinamik dynamic
dinamite dynamite
dinamo dynamo
diploma diploma
diplomasi diplomacy
diplomatik diplomat
direkt direct
disiplin discipline
disk disc
diskotek disco
diyalekt dialect
diyapozitif diapositive
diyet diet
dizanteri dysentery
dizayn design (noun)
dizayn etmek to design
dizel diesel
dogma dogma
doktor doctor
doktor doctor
doktrin doctrine
döküman document
dolar dollar
domates tomatoes
drama drama
dramatik dramatic
düello duel
düet duet
dük duke
düşes duchess
düzine dozen
DVD (dividi) DVD
editör editor
egoist egoist
eko eco
ekoloji ecology
ekonomi economics
ekonomik economical
ekstra extra
ekvator equator
elastik elastic
elegan elegant
elektrik electric
elektrik electricity
elektromanyetik electromagnetic
elektron electronics
elektronik electronic
element,eleman element
email email
emperyalizm imperialism
endirekt indirect
endüstri industry
enerji energy
enfeksiyon infection
enflasyon inflation
enformasyon information
enstantane instantaneous
enstitü institute
enstrüman (music) instrument
enternasyonal international
entrika intrigue
epik epic
erotik erotic
erotizm eroticism
erozyon erosion
etnik ethnic
fabrika factory
faktor factor
faktör factor
fakülte faculty
fanatik fanatic
fantastik fantastic
fantezi fantasy
fars farce
faşist fascist
faşizm fascism
fauna fauna
favori favorite
federal federal
federasyon federation
felsefe philosophy
feminist feminist
feminizm feminism
festival festival
festivaL festival
film film, movie
filtre filter
finans finance
finansal financial
fizik physics
fiziksel physical
flora flora
fonksiyon function
formül formula
fotoğraf photo(graph)
fotoğrafçı photographer
fotoğrafçılık photography
fotokopi photocopy
fraksiyon fraction
frekans (radio) frequency
futbol football
füzyon fusion
gabardin gabardine
galaksi galaxy
galeri gallery
galon gallon
garaj garage
garanti guarantee
gardiyan guardian
gastronomi gastronomy
gaz gas
gazete gazette
genel general
genelde in general, generally, usually
genellikle usually, generally
geometri geometry
gerilla guerrilla
gitar guitar
giyotin guillotine
gol goal (only in football)
gondol gondola
goril gorilla
gotik gothic
gram gram
gramer grammar
grup group
hamburger hamburger
hektar hectare
helikopter helicopter
hidrojen hydrogen
hidrolik hydraulic
hipnoz hypnosis
hipodrom hippodrome
hipopotam hippopotamus
hormon hormone
hristiyan christian
ideal ideal
idealist idealist
ideoloji ideology
idol idolo
ikon icon
illegal illegal
illegaL illegal
ilüzyon illusion
imaj image
internet the Internet
ipotek hypothec
iris iris
ironi irony
istasyon station
isteri hysteria
jandarma gendarme
jelatin gelatin
jenerasyon generation
jeoloji geology
jimnastik gymnastics
jinekolog gynecologist
kabaret cabaret
kablo cable
kadavra cadaver
kahve coffee
kakao cocoa
kalite quality
kaliteli high quality, quality [products]
kalori calorie
kamera camera
kamp camping
kampanya campaign
kamping camping
kamyon camion
kanal channel
kanal channel
kano canoe
kanser cancer
kaos chaos
kapasite capacity
kapital capital
kapitalist capital
kapitalizm capitalism
kapsül capsule
kaptan captain
kaptan captain
karakter character
karakter character
karakteristik characteristic
karbohidrat carbohydrates
karbon carbon
karbüratör carburator
kardinal cardinal
karikatür caricature
karikatürist caricaturist
kariyer career
karnaval carnival
kart card
kast caste
katalog catalog
katedral cathedral
kategori category
kategori category
katolik catholic
kedi cat
kek cake
kervan caravan
kilo kilo
kilogram kilogram
kilometre kilometre
kilometre kilometer
kivi kiwi
klan clan
klarnet clarinet
klas (category) class
klasifikasyon classification
klasik classic
koalisyon coalition
kokain cocaine
kolej college
koleksiyon collection
kolektif collective
kolera cholera
kolon colony
kombinasyon combination
komedi comedy
komik comic
komiser commissioner
komisyon commission
komite committee
kompleks complex
kompleks complex
komplike complicated
komplike complicated
komplo complot
kompozisyon composition
kompozitör composer
komünikasyon communication
komünist communist
komutan/kumandan commander
konfederasyon confederation
konferans conference
konferans conference
kongre congress
konsantrasyon concentration
konsantre concentrated
konsantre olmak to concentrate
konsept concept
konser concert
konservatuar conservatory
konsey council
konsolos console
kont count
kontrol control
konyak cognac
kooperatif cooperative
koordinasyon coordination
kopya copy
koro chorus
krater crater
kredi credit
kredi kartı credit card
krem cream
kriminal criminal
kristal crystal
kriter criterion
kritik critical
kriz crisis
krom chromium
kronik chronic
kronometre chronometer
kübik cubic
kültür culture
kültürel cultural
kulüp club
küp cube
Kuran Koran
kurs course
kuzen cousin
Laboratuar laboratory
legal legal
limit limit ( noun )
limon lemon
link link ( noun )
lisans licence
litre liter
magazin magazine
makine machine
maksimum maximum
market market (=a large grocery shop)
masaj massage
matematik mathematics
medikal medical
medya media / press
mesaj message
metod method
metre meter
midyum medium (size)
milyon million
mineraL mineral
minimum minimum
model model
modern modern
motosiklet motorbike
müze museum
müzik music
müzik music
müzisyen musician
natürel natural
negatif negative
normal normal
normalde normally
nükleer nuclear
numara number
objektif objective (=impartial)
ofis office
okaliptüs eucalyptus
onur honor
operasyon operation
organ organ
organizasyon organization
organize organized
orjinal original
otel hotel
otel hotel
otel hotel
otobüs bus
otomatik automatic
otonom autonomous
otopsi autopsy
otorite authority
paket package, packet
panel panel
pardon Pardon !
park the park
park etmek park etmek
parlamento parliament
parti party
pasaport passport
patates potato
paund/sterlin pound (money unit)
pazar bazaar
performans performance
periyot period
petrol oil [= crude oil, it doesn't mean gas/petrol]
pilot pilot
piyano piano
plan plan ( noun )
planlamak to plan
plastik plastic
platform platform
polis the police, a police officer
politik political
politika politics
politikacı politician
popüler popular
posta post ( noun )
postalamak to post , to mail
postáne post office
potansiyel potential
pozisyon position
pozitif positive
pratik practical
pratik practice
prense prince
prenses princess
prensip principle
problem problem
profesör professors
profesör professor
profesyonel professional
program programme, program
proje project
prosedür procedure
radyo the radio
rapor report ( noun )
reaksiyon reaction
realist realist / realistic
reform reform ( noun )
rekor record [ eg: world record]
resepsiyon reception
rol role
romantik romantic
rutin routine
salata salad
şampiyon champion
şampuan shampoo
şans chance
santimetre centimeter
santimetre kup cubic centimeter
santral (phone, elec) central
şarj / şarz charge [a battery]
şeker sugar
sekreter secretary
seks sex [intercourse]
sektör sector, industry
sempati sympathy
sempatik sympathetic
senatör senator
sent cent [ 1/100 of dollar/euro etc.]
seramik ceramic
seramoni ceremony
sertifika certificate
servis service ( noun )
sigara cigarette
siklon cyclone
silindir cylinder
sinema cinema, movie theater , movies
sirkülasyon circulation
sistem system
sivil civil
sivil civilian / civil
skor score ( noun )
şok etmek to shock
şort shorts
sos sauce
sosis sausage
sosyaL social
sosyalizm socialism
şov show ( noun )
standart standard
stil style
strateji strategy
stres stress
stresli stressed, stressful
stüdyo studio
süpermarket supermarket
sürpriz surprising
tablet tablet
taksi taxi
tank tank
teknik technique, technical
teknoloji technology
telefon phone, telephone
televizyon television
televizyon television
tema thema
teyp tape
tip type
tipik typical
tiyatro theatre
ton tone, ton (=1000 kilos)
tost toast
transfer transfer ( noun )
tren the train
trend trend
tünel tunnel
tur tour
turist tourist
tuvalet toilet
üniforma uniform (=school uniform)
ünite unit ( the first unit etc.)
üniversite university
versiyon version
video / vidyo video
virüs virus
websitesi website
yoğurt yoghurt
yuro / avro euro
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