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IMC 301 Week 4

Attitude a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues, involves direction, strength and accessibility
Functional theory of attitudes attitudes exist because they serve some function for the person and are determined by a person's motives, functions such as: Utilitarian function Value-expressive function Ego-defensive function Knowledge function
ABC Model of Attitudes Affect- the way a consumer feels about an attitude object Behavior- involves the person's intentions to do something with regard to an attitude object Cognition- the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object
Levels of Commitment to an attitude the degree of commitment is related to the level of involvement with an attitude object -Compliance -Identification -Internalization
Cognitive Dissonance eliminating, adding, changing to cope with clashing perspectives
Foot-in-the-door technique More likely to agree to a bigger request after they've already agreed to a small one
Door-in-the-face technique More likely to agree to a smaller request after denying a big one
Multi-attribute model attitude arises from the sum of the attributes times the weight of importance
Personality a person's unique psychological makeup which consistently influences the way the person responds to his or her environment
Personality Basics Closed-minded/Open to new experiences Disorganized/Conscientious Introverted/Extroverted Disagreeable/Agreeable Calm/High-Strung Relaxed/Nervous
Brand personality -Sincerity -Excitement -Competence -Sophistication -Ruggedness
Psychographics use of psychological, sociological and anthropological factors for market segmentation
AIO activities, interests and opinions, used to group consumers for psychographic research
80/20 rule only 20 percent of a product's users account for 80 percent of the volume of products sold
id immediate gratification- the "party animal" of the mind, selfish and illogical
superego counter to the id, acts as person's conscience
ego mediates between the id and superego
reality principle ego tries to find gratification for the id that society finds acceptable
archetypes universally recognized ideas and behavior patterns
personality traits the identifiable characteristics that define a person
idiocentric an individualist orientation
allocentric a group orientation
animism the common cultural practice whereby people
lifestyle a pattern of consumption that reflects a person's choices of how to spend her time and money
co-branding strategies team up with other companies to promote two or more items
product complementarity symbolic meanings of different products relate to one another
consumption constellation sets of products that complement each other
food culture a pattern of food and beverage consumption that reflects the values of a social group
behavioral targeting e-commerce marketers serve up customized ads on Web sites or cable TV stations based on a customer's prior activity
utilitarian function (attitudes) developed attitudes toward products because they provide pleasure or pain, helps save time and let you know which products you would or wouldn't like right away
value-expressive function (attitudes) relate to the consumer's central values or self-concept, expresses some trait or shows values of the consumer
ego-defensive function (attitudes) attitudes we form to protect ourselves either from external threats or internal feelings
knowledge function (attitudes) need order, structure or meaning, applies when a person is in an ambiguous situation or confronts a new product
hierarchy of effects standard learning hierarchy: C to A to B (attitude based on cognitive process) low-involvement hierarchy: B to A to C (attitude based on behavioral learning)
Compliance lowest level of involvement- form an attitude because it helps us to gain rewards or avoid punishment- very superficial, likely to change
Identification when we form an attitude to conform to another person's or group's expectation
Internalization high level of involvement, deep-seated attitudes become part of our value system, difficult to change
principle of cognitive consistency value harmony among our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and need to maintain uniformity among these elements
Created by: say230
Popular Marketing sets




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