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Ch.31 Greek Legacy

History Alive! The Ancient World ©2004 TCI

What are the first two letters of the Greek alphabet? alpha and beta
What is the Greek word for "far off"? tel
What is the Greek word for "voice"? phone
What aspects of the English writing system come from the Greek language? grammar, punctuation, paragraphing
What are the two forms of drama that the Greeks invented? tragedy and comedy
Who was the "father of history"? Herodotus
Who wrote the history of the wars between Athens and Sparta? Thucydides
What are two aspects of American government that came from Greece? democracy and citizen jurors
Who made laws in ancient Greece? all citizens
Who makes laws in modern America? elected representatives
Who were citizens in ancient Greece? native-born men
Which citizens of modern America would not be considered citizens in ancient Greece? women and people from other countries
How did early Greeks think that illnesses and accidents were caused? punishments sent by the gods and goddesses
Who was the "father of modern medicine"? Hippocrates
How did Hippocrates believe that illnesses were caused? by natural causes
What did Hippocrates teach his students to do? carefully observe their patients and record their observations
What is the Hippocratic oath? to promise to be honest, to preserve life, and to keep patient information private
Why was the early Greeks' understanding of the human body limited? because cutting the body to look inside was considered offensive to the gods
What did the later Greeks learn about the heart? it's a pump that sends blood throughout the body
What did the later Greeks learn about the brain? it's the center of the nervous system
What does the Greek word "geometry" mean? to measure land
What is the Pythagorean Theorem (in equation form)? a² + b² = c²
What is the Pythagorean Theorem (in written form)? in a right triangle, the square of the hypothenuse is the sum of the squares of the legs
What are two ways that ancient Greeks used geometry? for farming and for laying out a city
Whose textbook became the model for teaching geometry? Euclid
Who was the first woman to earn fame as a mathemetician? Hypatia
What does the Greek word "astronomy" mean? the study of stars
Who was the first person to suggest that Earth moves around the sun? Aristarchus
Who is called the greatest astronomer of the ancient world? Hipparchus
What did Hipparchus' theories allow later scientists to do? to accurately predict lunar eclipses
What's the entymology of the word "geography" Greek for "writing about the Earth"
What system did the Greeks develop to describe locations on Earth? longitude and latitude
Who wrote a book called Geography that listed over 8,000 places? Ptolemy
What was Ptolemy's contribution to map-making? how to represent the curved Earth on a flat surface
How did the Greeks learn about the anatomy of the human body? By studying animal anatomy
What use of plants did the Greeks discover? as medicines
Who developed a early classification system for animals and plants? Aristotle
What were the two major animal groups identified by Aristotle? those with backbones and those without
What's the origin of the word "architecture"? Greek for "master builder"
What is a pediment? triangular shapes where roof lines come together
What are friezes? bands of decoration around the top of a building
What is a stoa? a covered line of columns
What's the origin of the word "theater"? Greek for "a viewing place"
How were Greek theaters shaped? semi-circular
How were seats in Greek theaters arranged? in rows that rose steeply from the stage
What are two special theatrical effects that the Greeks developed? hoists for flying and revolving scenery
What was the greatest Greek contribution to the theater? stories and plays
When were the first Olympics held? 776 B.C.E.
What were two activities at the ancient Greek Olympic opening ceremonies? lighting a fire on the altar of Zeus and sacrifice of an animal
What is the entymology of the word "pentathlon" five contests
What contests were included in the Greek pentathlon? footrace, discus throw, long jump, javelin throw, and wrestling
Created by: mushijima
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