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Stack #1264017
Question | Answer |
Traditional C++ approach to error handling uses a function to return a specific value to indicate specific operations | to return a specific value to indicate specific operations |
Latest C++ compilers have added a technique designed for error detection and handling referred to as | exception handling |
When an error occurs while a function is executing, an | exception is created |
An exception is a value, a variable, or an object containing | information about the error at the point the error occurs |
Process of generating an exception | Throwing an exception |
In general two fundamental types of errors can cause C++ exceptions | Those resulting from inability to obtain a required resource, over which the programmer has no control Errors than can be checked and handled, over which the programmer has control |
Whats an exception | A value, object or variable that ids specific error that has occurred while program is running |
what is Throw an exception | Send the exception to a section of code that processes the detected error |
What is Catch or Handle an exception | Receive a thrown exception and process it |
What is Catch Clause | The section of code that process the error |
What is Exception Handler | The code that throws and catches an exception |
Syntax to throw and catch and exception | try{} catch (){} |
_____ ___& ____ with exception handling is used extensively in C++ programs that use one or more files | Error checking and processing |
A rigorous check is usually required when opening output file | If it exists, file will be found If it does not exist, file will be created |
In some cases, ___ __ _ ____ __ ___ and, if file is found, a further check can be made to ensure that user explicitly approves overwriting it | file can be opened for input |
To open two files at the same time, assume you want to read data from a character-based file ____ ___ ___ ___ __ and write this data to a file | one character at a time |
The string class permits string | literal values |
Any sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks is a | String literal |
By convention, first character in string is always designated as position zero | position zero |
This position value is also referred to as both the character’s | index value and its offset value |
string class provides a number of functions for | declaring, creating, and initializing a string |
In earlier versions of C++, process of creating a new object is referred to as | instantiating an object |
The methods that perform the tasks of creating and initializing are called | constructor methods, or constructors, for short |
General puprose screen output object is called | cout |
General purpose keyboard input object that stops reading string input when space is encountered | cin |
General purpose keyboard input function that inputs all characters entered, stores them in the string strObj, and stops accepting character when it receives a newline character (/n) | getline(cin, strObj) |
Seemingly strange results can happen when cin input stream and getline() function are used together to accept data, or when cin is used by itself to accept characters | Phantom newline character |
Don’t mix cin with ____ ____ in same program (preferred solution) | getline() inputs |
Follow cin input with a call to | cin.ignore() |
Accept Enter key in a character variable and then | ignore it |
Strings can be manipulated using the string class functions or the | character-at-a-time functions |
Two string expressions can be compared for equality using the | standard relational operators |
Function declaration (prototype) for each function is contained in the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, which must be included in any program using these functions | header file string or cctype |
What character I/O places some character value on the output stream | cout.put('A'); |
What character I/O extracts the next character value from the the input stream and assigns it to a variable | cin.get(A); |
What character I/O assigns the next character value from the the input stream and assigns it to a variable without extracting the character from the stream | cin.peek(nextKey); |
What character I/O pushes a character value back into the input stream | cin.putback(cKey); |
What character I/O ignores a maximum of the next n input character, up to and including the detection of said type. If no argument ignores the next input stream | cin.ignore(n,char); |
A common method for validating numerical input data is accepting all numbers as | strings |
This string validating function converts stringExp to an integer. Conversion stops at the first non-integer character. | int atoi(stringExp) |
This string validating function converts stringExp to a double precision number. Conversion stops at the first character that can't be interpreted as a double. | double atof(stringExp) |
This string validating function converts stringExp to a character array. The space allocated for the returned character must be large enough for the converted value. | char[] itoa(integerExp) |
First step in creating a library is to encapsulate all __ __ & __ into one or more namespaces and then store the complete code (with or without using a namespace) | specialized functions and classes |
Forgetting to include __ __ ___ when using string class object is a common programing error | string header file |
Forgetting the newline character, '/n' is a | valid character |
Forgetting to convert string class object by using ____ function when converting string class objects to numerical data types is a common programing error | c_str() |
Referred to as a string value, a string constant, and, more conventionally, a string is a | String Literal |
String be constructed as an object of the | string class |
string class is commonly used for constructing strings for | input and output purposes |
Strings can be manipulated by using functions of the class they’re objects of or by using the ___ ___&___ ___ | purpose string and character functions |
cin object tends to be of limited usefulness for string input because it | terminates input when a blank is encountered |
For string class data input, use the ___function | getline() |
cout object can be used to display | string class strings |
The address operator, &, accesses a | variable’s address in memory |
The address operator placed in front of a | variable’s name refers to the address of the variable |
Example statements store addresses of the variable m, list, and ch in the variables d, tabPoint, and chrPoint | d = &m; tabPoint = &list; chrPoint = &ch; |
To use a stored address, C++ provides the | indirection operator, * |
The * symbol, when followed by a pointer, means “the variable whose address is stored in” | *numAddr means the variable whose address is stored in numAddr |
When using a pointer variable, the value that is finally obtained is always found by first going to the pointer for an | address |
The address contained in the pointer is then used to get the | variable’s contents |
Since this is an indirect way of getting to the final value, the term ____ ___ is used to describe it | indirect addressing |
Like all variables, pointers must be ___ before they can be used to store an address | declared |
You musr ______ a pointer variable, C++ requires specifying the type of the variable that is pointed to Example: int *numAddr; | declare |
A ____ is a named constant for an address The address named as a constant cannot be changed | reference |
A pointer variable’s value address can be | changed |
using references rather than ___ as arguments to functions is preferred | pointers |
using ____ rather than pointers as arguments to functions is preferred Simpler notation for locating a reference parameter Eliminates address (&) and indirection operator (*) required for pointers | reference |
References are automatically dereferenced, also called ____ ______ | implicitly dereferenced |
_____ are used almost exclusively as formal parameters and return types | References |
After a variable has been declared, it can be given additional names by using a ___ ___ | reference variable |
There is a ____&____ relationship between array names and pointers | There is a direct and simple relationship between array names and pointers |
Reference _____ are available in C++ | variables |
The form of a reference variable is: | dataType& newName = existingName; double& sum = total; |
The * symbol is called the _____ operator | dereferencing |
As each variable is defined in a program, sufficient storage for it is assigned from a pool of computer memory locations made available to the compiler | Dynamic Array Allocation |
After memory locations have been reserved for a variable, these locations are __ __ __ ____, whether or not they are used | fixed for the life of that variable |
An alternative to fixed or static allocation is ___ _____ of memory | dynamic allocation |
Using dynamic allocation, the amount of storage to be allocated is | determined or adjusted at run time |
new and delete operators provide the dynamic allocation mechanisms in C++ | dynamic allocation |
Reserves the number of bytes requested by the declaration. Returns the address of the first reserved location or NULL if not enough memory is available | new operator |
Releases a block of bytes reserved previously, The address of the first reserved location must be passed as an argument to the operator. | delete operator |
Dynamic storage requests for ____ _____ or arrays are made as part of a declaration or an assignment statement | scalar variables |
pick the scaler a or b int *num = new int; int *grades = new int[200]; | b // scalar // array |
Pointer variables, like all variables, contain | values |
The value stored in a pointer is a | memory address |
By adding or subtracting numbers to pointers you can obtain different | addresses |
Pointer values can be compared using | relational operators (==, <, >, etc.) |
Allows accessing each array element as the address is “marched along” from starting address to address of last array element | *ptNum++ & most common |
Pointers can be initialized when they are int *ptNum = &miles; | declared |
Pointers to ___ can also be initialized when they are declared double *zing = &volts[0]; | arrays |
Reference pointers can be used to pass addresses through | reference parameters (Implied use of an address) |
Pointers can be used explicitly to pass addresses with | references |
Explicitly passing references with the address operator is called | pass by reference |
Called function can reference, or access, variables in the calling function by using the | passed addresses |
When an array is passed to a function, its ____ is the only item actually passed | address |
You can access multidimensional arrays by using | pointer notation |
Notation becomes more cryptic as array dimensions | increase |
Forgetting to use bracket set, [], after delete operator | is a common programming error |
Attempting to store address in a variable not declared as pointer | is a common programming error |
Using pointer to access nonexistent array elements | is a common programming error |
Incorrectly applying address and indirection operators | is a common programming error |
Taking addresses of pointer constants | is a common programming error |
Taking addresses of a reference argument, reference variable, or register variable | is a common programming error |
Becoming confused about whether a variable contains an address or is an address | is a common programming error |
Initialized pointer variables incorrectly | is a common programming error |
Although a pointer constant is synonymous with an address, it’s useful to treat pointer constants as pointer variables with two restrictions: | Address of a pointer constant can’t be taken Address “contained in” the pointer can’t be alteredExcept for these restrictions pointer constants and pointer variables can be used almost interchangeably |
Except for these restrictions pointer constants and pointer variables can | be used almost interchangeably |
When an address is required, any of the following can be used: | A pointer variable name A pointer argument name A pointer constant name A non-pointer variable name preceded by the address operator A non-pointer variable argument name preceded by the address operator |
A pointer is a variable used to store the address of another variable | Must be declared Use indirection operator, *, to declare the pointer variable and access the variable whose address is stored in pointer |
Array name is a | pointer constant |
Arrays can be created ____ as program is executing | dynamically |
Arrays are passed to functions as | addresses |
When a one-dimensional array is passed to a function, the function’s parameter declaration can be an | array declaration or a pointer declaration |
Pointers can be incremented, decremented, ___,__ | compared, and assigned |
A _____ program consists of one or more algorithms that have been written in computer-readable language | procedural |
Input and display of program output take a back seat to _____ Clear emphasis on formulas and calculations | processing |
An ____ approach fits graphically windowed environments | object-oriented |
Central to creation of objects; a user defined rather than built-in data type | Abstract data types |
Combination of data and associated operations | Data type |
A data type defines both the types of data and the ____ ___ __ that can be performed on the data | types of operations |
Operations in C++ are an _____ part of each data type | inherent |
User defined type that specifies both a type of data and the operations that can be performed on it User defined types are required when you want to create objects that are more complex than simple integers and characters | Abstract data type (ADT) |
___ ___ ____ are required when you want to create objects that are more complex than simple integers and characters | User defined types |
How data is stored | Data structure: |
C++ name for an abstract data type | Class |
A class is usually constructed in two parts: | Declaration section Implementation section |
Declaration section | Declares both the data types and functions for the class |
Implementation section | Defines the functions whose prototypes have been declared in the declaration section |
Both the variables and the functions listed in the declaration section | Class members |
Variables listed in the declaration section | Data members or instance variables |
Functions listed in the declaration section | Member functions |
When a function is part of a class it is referred to as ___ ____ ______ ____ | method to denote class membership |
Restricting user from access to data storage implementation details is called | data hiding |
____ functions can be called from outside the class | public |
In general, all class functions should be ____ so that they provide capabilities to manipulate class variables from outside the class | public |
The function with same name as class is the class’s | constructor function Used to initialize class data members with values |
____ section: member functions declared in the declaration section are written | Implementation |
___ ___ for functions written in the implementation section is the same as all C++ functions with the addition of the class name and the scope resolution operator :: | General form |
Variables of a user-declared class must: | Be defined before use in a program Are referred to as objects |
An object name’s attribute is referenced with the ___ ____ objectName.attributeName objectName is the name of a specific object attributeName is the name of a data member defined for the object’s class | dot operator |
Programmer defined data type from which objects can be created | Class |
Created from classes are objects this are referred to as ____ of a class | instances |
A function used to initialize an object’s data members when the object is created | Constructor |
A function that reports information about an object’s state | Accessor |
A function that modifies the values stored in an object’s data members | Mutator |
A ____ is any function with the same name as its class | constructor function |
Multiple constructors can be defined for each class as long as they can be distinguished by ____ ___ ____ | number and types of their parameters |
A constructor’s intended purpose is to initialize a | new object’s data members |
If no constructor function is written, the compiler supplies a | default constructor |
In addition to ______, a constructor can perform other tasks when it is called | initialization |
General format of a constructor includes: The same name as the class to which it belongs No ______ | return type (not even void) |
Constructors are called when an object is | created |
An ___ should never be declared with empty parentheses | object |
Called automatically when an object goes out of existence Clean up any undesirable effects the object might leave, such as releasing memory stored in a pointer | Destructor |
An ___ provides a means for reporting on an object’s state | accessor function |
accessor function Conventionally called ___ functions | get() |
Each class should provide a complete set of | accessor functions |
A _____ ___ provides a means for changing an object’s data member | mutator function |
Conventionally called set() functions | for mutator |
Memory locations are allocated to an object only when the object is _____ | declared |
In contrast, only one copy of a member function is created, which comes into existence when the function is defined | defined |
Each member function actually receives an extra argument that’s the | address of an object |
True initialization has no reliance on ____ | assignment |
C++ makes initialization possible with ____ initialization list syntax | base/member |
Initialization list syntax is only available in _____ functions | constructor |
Most classes typically require additional | functions |
data types, such as +, −, ==, >=, and so on to construct class functions | These are referred to as operator functions |
New operator symbols cannot be created Neither the ____ ____ of the C++ operators can be modified | precedence nor the associativity |
The assignment operator, ___, is the one operator that works with all classes without requiring an operator function | = |
if a and b are objects constructed from the Complex class, the statement a = b; sets the values in a’s data members to their equivalent values in b’s data members This type of assignment is referred to as _____ _____ | memberwise assignment |
___ variables can be accessed and manipulated through a class’s member functions | Private |
The first step in constructing an object-based program is developing an ___ of the program | object-based model |
is a widely accepted technique for developing object oriented programs | Unified Modeling Language (UML) |
are used to describe classes and their relationships | Class diagrams |
are used to describe objects and their relationships | Object diagrams |
are represented with a diagram consisting of a box | Both classes and objects |
In___, the class name is in bold text and centered at the top of the box | class diagrams |
____ defines where an attribute can be seen | Visibility |
Can be used on in its defining class Cannot be accessed by other classes directly Indicated by a minus (-) sign in front of attribute name | Private |
Used in any other class Indicated by a plus (+) sign in front of attribute name | Public |
Available to derived classes Neither plus nor minus sign in front of attribute name | Protected |
____ are transformations that can be applied to attributes and are coded as C++ functions | Operations |
Operation names are listed below attributes and separated from them by | a line |
Failing to terminate class declaration section with a semicolon | Common Programming Errors |
Including the return type with the constructor’s prototype or failing to include the return type with other the functions’ prototypes | Common Programming Errors |
Using same name for a data member as for a member function | Common Programming Errors |
Defining more than one default constructor | Common Programming Errors |
Forgetting to include the class name and scope operator, ::, in the function header | Common Programming Errors |
Declaring an object with empty parentheses, as in Complex a(); The correct declaration is Complex a; | Common Programming Errors |
Not defining an operator function’s parameter as a reference to an object | Common Programming Errors |
Redefining an overloaded operator to perform a function not indicated by its conventional meaning | Common Programming Errors |
Is a programmer-defined data type Consists of a declaration and implementation section | A class |
___ can be written inline or included in the class implementation section | Class functions |
A ___ ___ is a special function that is called automatically each time an object is declared If no constructor is declared, the compiler supplies a default | constructor function |
Constructors can be overloaded | true |
A ___ is called each time an object goes out of scope | destructor function |
User-defined operators can be constructed for classes by using ____ | operator functions |
A ___ ____ can access a class’s private data members if it is granted friend status by the class | nonmember function |
User-defined casts for converting a built-in type to a class type are created by using | constructor functions |
A constructor whose first argument is not a member of its class and whose remaining arguments, if any, have default values | Type conversion constructor |
If the first argument is a built-in type, then constructor can be used to cast the built-in to the class type | Type conversion constructor |
Implicit conversion occurs in | C++’s operations |
Explicit conversion occurs when a | cast is used |
Converts from user-defined data type to built-in data type | The conversion operator function |
Is a member function having the same name as the built-in data type or class | The conversion operator function |
When name is the same as built-in type, used to convert from class to built-in data type Conversion operator for class to long conversion would be named operator long() | The conversion operator function |
Has no explicit argument or return type | The conversion operator function |
Providing Access to a class is achieved by declaring the overloaded function as a ____ | friend |
Requires _____ ____ of class when class not otherwise already known | forward declaration |
The scope of an identifier defines the portion of a program where the identifier is | valid |
There are two categories of scope: | local and global |
Each identifier also has a duration: the length of time storage locations are _____ for the variable or function that the identifier names | reserved |
Class data members are ___ to objects created from the class | local |
An object’s data member takes precedence over a ___ _____ of the same name | global variable |
Class member functions are ____ in the file where they’re defined but can be called only for objects created from the class | global |
As each ___ ___ is created, it gets its own block of memory for its data members | class object |
In some cases, it is convenient for every ______ to share the same memory location for a specific variable | instantiation of a class |
___ _____ ____ can access only static data members and other static member functions | Static member functions |
static member functions primary purpose is to perform any specialized initialization or operation procedures on ___ _____ ____ before any object creations | static member variables |
Ability to create new classes from existing ones is the underlying motivation and power behind | class- and object-oriented programming techniques |
Deriving one class from another class | Inheritance |
Redefining how member functions of related classes operate based on the class object being referenced | Polymorphism |
Initial class used as a basis for a derived class Also called parent or superclass | Base class also called parent or superclass |
New class incorporating all the data members and member functions of its base class is called ____ Also called child class or subclass Can, and usually does, add its own data members and member functions Can override any base class function | Derived class |
Derived type has only one base type | Simple inheritance |
Derived type has two or more base types | Multiple inheritance |
Illustrate the hierarchy or order in which one class is derived from another | Class hierarchies |
___ ___ has same form as any other class except: Includes access specifier and base class name | Derived class |
Class derivations are formally called | class hierarchies |
ensures that data members can only be accessed by class member functions or friends No access to nonclass functions except friends | Private status |
same as private status except derived classes can access the base class data member | Protected status |
___ permits using the same function name to invoke: One response in a base class’s objects Another response in a derived class’s objects | Polymorphism |
Two types of function binding Static binding: Determination of function to call is made at ___ ____ Dynamic binding: Determination of function to call is made at runtime based on object type making call Depends on virtual functions | compile time |
Compiler creates a pointer to a function; assigns value to pointer upon function call | Virtual function |
Using a const reference parameter in both the function prototype and header when overloading the extraction operator, >> | Common Programming Errors |
The static keyword should be used only when a data member is being declared in the class’s declaration section | Common Programming Errors |
Failing to instantiate static data members in a class’s implementation section | Common Programming Errors |
Attempting to make a conversion operator function a friend rather than a member function | Common Programming Errors |
Attempting to specify a return type for a conversion operator function | Common Programming Errors |
Attempting to override a virtual function without using the same type and number of arguments as the original function | Common Programming Errors |
Using the virtual keyword in the class’s implementation section | Common Programming Errors |
Functions are declared as virtual only in the class’s declaration section | Common Programming Errors |
The ___ class’s insertion operator, <<, can be overloaded to display objects. | ostream |
The ____ class’s extraction operator, >>, can be overloaded to input values in an object’s data members. | istream |
Four categories of data type conversions | Built-in types to built-in types Class types to built-in types Built-in types to class types Class types to class types |
Type conversion constructor: First argument is not a member of its class; any remaining arguments have ____ ___ | default values |
Member function having the name of a class No explicit arguments or return type | Conversion operator function |
______ are local to the objects in which they’re created | Data members |
If a global variable name is used in a class, the global variable is hidden by the object’s data member of the same name, if one exists In this case, the global variable can be accessed by using | the scope resolution operator, :: |
Override functions and virtual functions can be used to | implement polymorphism |
In static binding, the determination of which function is called is made at compile time; in dynamic binding, the determination is made at ___ | runtime |
After a function is declared virtual it r | remains virtual for all derived classes |
Base class functions can be _____ by derived class functions with same name | overridden |
Capability of having the same function name invoke different responses based on the object making the call | Polymorphism |
A(n) ____ is a word the language sets aside for a special purpose and can be used only in a specified manner. | keyword |
Data transmitted to a function at runtime is referred to as the ____ of the function. | arguments |
The ____ is an output object that sends data it receives to the standard display device | cout |
Preprocessor commands begin with a(n) ____ sign | # |
____ in C++ are any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters enclosed in quotation marks. | Strings |
The newline escape sequence is ____. | \n |
The three most important and common integer types used in most applications are int, char, and ____. | bool |
A(n) ____ number, more commonly known as a real number, can be the number zero or any positive or negative number that contains a decimal point. | floating-point |
A(n) ____ is an item used to manipulate how the output stream of characters is displayed. | manipulator |
When a declaration statement is used to store a value into a variable, the variable is said to be ____. | initialized |
To determine the address of a variable, we can use C++’s address operator, ____, which means “the address of. | & |
A(n) ____ statement is the most basic C++ statement for assigning values to variables and performing computations. | assignment |
A(n) ____ is any combination of constants, variables, and function calls that can be evaluated to yield a result. | expression |
Because of ____, the value assigned to the variable on the left side of the assignment operator is forced into the data type of the variable to which it’s assigned. | coercion |
A(n) ____ can have a value assigned to it. | lvalue |
In C++, the expression sum = sum + 10 can be written as ____. | sum += 10 |
The stream manipulator ____ sets the floating-point precision to n places. | setprecision(n) |
The stream manipulator ____ displays Boolean values as true and false rather than 1 and 0. | boolalpha |
When a manipulator requiring an argument is used, the ____ header file must be included as part of the program. | iomanip |
The ostream class method precision(n) is equivalent to the stream manipulator ____. | setprecision() |
In C++, the mathematical function ____ calculates a number’s square root. | sqrt() |
The ____ statement is used to enter data in a program while it’s running. | cin |
Identifiers created with const are commonly referred to as symbolic constants or ____ constants. | named |
A(n) ____ expression consists of operators and constants only. | constant |
The most commonly used ____ are simple relational expressions. | conditions |
In a relational expression, the value of the expression can be only the integer value 1 or ____. | 0 |
In C++, when comparing character data, the char values are coerced to ____ values automatically for the comparison. | int |
In C++, the logical ____ operator is used to change an expression to its opposite state. | NOT |
Using the abs() function requires including the ____ header file. | cmath |
A useful modification of the if-else statement involves omitting the ____ part of the statement. | else |
A(n) ____ is any combination of operands and operators that yields a result. | expression |
In C++, Boolean variables are declared with the ____keyword. | bool |
Including one or more if statements inside an existing if statement is called a ____ if statement. | nested |
A(n) ____ chain is used in programming applications where one set of instructions must be selected from many possible alternatives. | if-else |
The expression in the switch statement must evaluate to a(n) ____ result or a compilation error results. | integer |
The ____ statement identifies the end of a particular case and causes an immediate exit from the switch statement. | break |
When writing a switch statement, you can use multiple ____ values to refer to the same set of statements. | case |
Checking user input data for erroneous or unreasonable data is referred to as ____. | input data validation |
Three different forms of repetition statements are provided in C++: while, ____, and do while. | for |
____ loops always execute the loop statements at least once before the condition is tested. | Posttest |
In a ____ loop, the condition is used to keep track of how many repetitions have occurred. | fixed-count |
In C++, a ____ loop is constructed using a while statement. | while |
A(n) ____ loop is a loop that never ends. | infinite |
The line total = total + num is an example of a(n) ____ statement. | accumulating |
When ____ is encountered in a loop, the next iteration of the loop begins immediately. | continue |
In C++, a ____ loop is constructed using a for statement. | for |
Inside the parentheses of the for statement are three items, separated by ____. | semicolons |
A loop contained within another loop is called a ____ loop. | nested |
Posttest loops can be constructed in C++ using ____ loops. | do while |
The ____ error means the loop executes either one too many or one too few times than was intended. | off by one |
The declaration statement for a function is referred to as a function ____. | prototype |
The names in parentheses in the header are called the formal ____ of the function. | parameters |
C++ provides the capability of using the same function name for more than one function, referred to as function ____. | overloading |
A function returning a value must specify, in its ____, the data type of the value to be returned. | header |
Telling the C++ compiler that a function is ____ causes a copy of the function code to be placed in the program at the point the function is called. | inline |
The default method to pass arguments to C++ functions is by ____. | value |
Because the variables created in a function are conventionally available only to the function, they are said to be ____ variables. | local |
The symbol ____ represents the C++’s scope resolution operator. | :: |
A local variable that is declared as ____ causes the program to keep the variable and its latest value even when the function that declared it is through executing. | static |
A(n) ____ declaration statement simply informs the computer that a global variable already exists and can now be used. | extern |
A(n) ____ is a list of related values, all having the same data type, and stored with a single variable name. | one-dimensional array |
The element’s index or ____ value gives the element’s position in the array. | subscript |
A(n) ____ check on an array is a check of the value of the index being used. | bounds?? |
A string is any sequence of characters enclosed in ____. | double quotation marks |
____ loops are especially useful when dealing with two-dimensional arrays because they allow the programmer to designate and cycle through each element easily. | Nested |
C++ compilers require a program file with the extension ____. | .cpp |
A file stream that sends or writes data to a file is an ____. | output file stream |
Input file stream objects are declared to be of type ____. | ifstream |
The ____ method breaks the connection between the file’s external name and the file stream object. | close() |
Output file streams can be formatted in the same manner as the ____ standard output stream. | cout |
The fstream class’s ____ function permits character-by-character output to a stream. | put() |
The fstream class’s ____ function is used for character-by-character input from an input stream. | get() |
The standard error stream is represented by ____ in C and C++. | cerr |
In ____, any character in the opened file can be read without having to sequentially read all characters stored ahead of it first. | random access |
The ____ method establishes a connection between a file stream and an external file. | open() |
The expression getline(cin, message) will continuously accept and store characters typed at the terminal until the ____ key is pressed. | Enter |
The ____ object reads a set of characters up to a blank space or a newline character. | cin |
Passing a 2 dimensional array to a function _____________. | is legal if the array is passed by reference |
A _____________ parameter receives a copy of its corresponding actual parameter | integer |
Which of the following is false? A. Because a struct has a finite number of components, relational operators are allowed on a struct. | false |
A function that calls another function and eventually results in the original function call is said to be ________ recursive. | indirectly |
_________ recursion is defined as occuring when the recursive call is at the end of the recursive instruction | tail |
Variables created inside a function are ____ variables | local |
A local variable that is declared as ____ causes the program to keep the variable and its latest value even when the function that declared it is through executing. | static |
A variable that keeps its value around leaving a function is called a(n) ____ variable. | static |
A(n) ____, is used to store and process a set of values, all of the same data type, that forms a logical group | array |
Each item in an array is called a(n) ____ of the array. | element |
When the scope resolution operator is used before a variable name, the compiler is instructed to use a(n) ____ variable. | global |
Smaller programs containing a few functions should ____ contain global variables. | almost never |
The time dimension of a variable’s scope is referred to as the variable’s ____. | lifetime |
A local variable that is declared as ____ causes the program to keep the variable and its latest value, even when the function that declared it is finished executing. | static |
Once a global variable is created, it exists until ____. | control is returned to the called function |
The misuse of globals does not apply to ____, which typically are global. | arguments |
If a(n) ____ technique is not used, rand() will always produce the same series of random numbers. | seeding |
The ____ class provides a set of methods that include easy insertion and removal of characters from a string. | string |
Pressing the Enter key at the terminal generates a newline character, ‘\n’, which is interpreted by getline() as ____. | the end-of-line entry |
If the optional third argument is omitted when getline() is called, the default terminating character is | the newline (‘\n’) character |
A variable with a ____ is simply one that has had storage locations set aside for it by a declaration statement made within a function body. | local scope |
The misuse of globals does not apply to ____, which typically are global. | function prototypes |
Any expression that evaluates to a(n) ____ may be used as a subscript. | integer |
When passing an array to a called function, the function receives ____ array. | access to the actual |
The initialization of a two-dimensional array is done in ____ order. | row |
A linear search is also known as a(n) ____ search. | sequential |
n a bubble sort, on each pass through the list, the largest element ____. | sinks to the bottom of the list |
Every variable has three major items associated with it: the value stored in the variable, the number of bytes reserved for the variable, and the bytes’ ____. | address |
The address of a variable is the memory location of the ____ byte reserved for the variable. | first |
C++ requires that when we declare a pointer variable, we also specify the ____ of the variable that is pointed to. | data type |
For dynamic allocation of memory to create new variables as a program is running, pointers are ____. | required |
The 1 in the expression *(gPtr + 1) is a(n) ____. | offset |
Adding 1 to a pointer causes the pointer to point to the ____. | next element of the type pointed to |
To store and retrieve data outside a C++ program, two things are needed: a file and a(n) ____. | file stream object |
The advantage of binary-based files is ____. | compactness speed of access |
A stream is a one-way transmission of ____ between a source and a destination. | bytes |
The classes ifstream and ofstream are made available to a program by inclusion of the ____ header file. | fstream |
The standard input file is usually a ____. | keyboard |
Once a namespace has been created and stored in a file, it can be included within another file by supplying a(n) ____ informing the compiler where the desired namespace | preprocessor directive |
he first step in creating a library is to encapsulate all of the desired functions and classes into one or more ____ and then store the complete code in one or more files. | namespaces |
The atoi() C-string conversion function converts ____. | a string to an integer |
The first step in the input data validation process for numerical data is to ensure that the data is ____. | of the correct type |
in exception handling, multiple catch blocks can be provided as long as each catch block catches | a unique data type |
a try block must be followed by one or more ____ blocks | catch |
of the statements within a try block should be capable of throwing an exception. | At least one |
The process of generating and passing an exception at the point the error was detected is referred to as ____. | throwing an exception |
All of C++’s higher-level I/O methods and streams are based on ____ methods. | lower-level character |
All input and output is done on a ____ basis. | character-by-character |
____ return a nonzero integer when the character meets the desired condition, and a zero when the condition is not met. | istype() functions |
The value returned by the method call “Hello World!”.length() is ____. | 12 |
The most commonly used string class method is ____. | length() |
If the optional third argument is omitted when getline() is called, the default terminating character is | the newline (‘\n’) character |
Pressing the Enter key at the terminal generates a newline character, ‘\n’, which is interpreted by getline() as ____. | the end-of-line entry |
string objectName = value is an example of a(n) ____. | constructor method |
The ____ class provides a set of methods that include easy insertion and removal of characters from a string. | string |
____ diagrams are used to describe classes and their relationships. | class |
Formally, the process of designing an application is referred to as ____ modeling. | program |
A common programming error is attempting to use memberwise assignment between objects that contain ____. | pointer members |
A good way to avoid pointer related problems associated with class default assignment operators is to ____. | explicitly write an assignment operator |
Pointer related problems associated with a class default assignment operator also exist with the ____. | default copy constructor |
For object-oriented programs, ____ allocation allows creating and destroying new objects as required. | dynamic |
With ____ allocation, the amount of storage to be allocated is assigned, as requested, at runtime instead of being fixed at compile time. | dynamic |
Creating a virtual function is easy—simply place the keyword ____ before the function’s return type in the class declaration section. | virtual |
A virtual function specification tells the compiler to create a pointer to a function but not to fill in the value of the pointer until ____. | the function is actually called |
Dynamic binding is achieved in C++ with ____ functions. | virtual |
In static binding, the determination of which function is called is made ____ | at compile time |
Overriding a base member function by using an overloaded derived member function is an example of ____. | polymorphism |
If the base class has a public access and the derived class access specifier is public, the derived class member is | public |
If the base class member has a protected access and the derived class access specifier is public, the derived | protected |
The class-access specifier is listed ____ of its declaration section. | after the colon at the start |
multiple inheritance, a derived type has ____ or more base types. | 2 |
derived class ____ add its own new data and function members to those of its parent class | can and usually does |
A derived class is a completely new class that incorporates ____ of the data and member functions of its base | all |
Constructing one class from another is accomplished by using a capability called ____. | inheritance |
An advantage of the ____ object approach is that it encourages extending existing code without needing to completely rewrite it. | inside-outside |
____ generally means separating the implementation details of the abstract attributes and behavior and hiding them from the object’s outside users | Encapsulation |
____ means concentrating on what an object is and does before making any decisions about how to implement the object. | Abstraction |
In programming terms, an object’s attributes are described by ____. | data |
Converting from a class data type to a class data type is done by using a(n) ____. | conversion operator function |
A(n) ____ constructor is any constructor whose first argument is not a member of its class and whose remaining arguments, if any, have default values. | type conversion |
conversion from a built-in data type to a class is made by using ____. | constructor methods |
built-in to built-in conversion is handled by C++’s implicit conversion rules or its explicit ____ operator. | cast |
Conversion from a user-defined data type to a built-in data type is accomplished using a(n) ____. | conversion operator function |
The general expression (*pointer).member can always be replaced with the notation ____. | pointer->member |
When a method is called, the calling object’s address is passed to it and stored in the method’s ____ pointer. | this |
Note that each set of data members has its own starting address in memory, which corresponds to the address of the object’s ____. | first data member |
a class member function unary operator is rewritten as a friend function it will have ____ argument(s). | one explicit |
true initialization has no reliance on assignment and is possible in C++ by using a(n) ____ initialization list. | base/member |
Copy constructors, like all operator functions, are declared in the class ____ section. | declaration |
he compiler’s default ____ constructor performs similarly to the default assignment operator by doing a memberwise assignment between objects. | copy |
An operator to be defined for class use must either be a member of a class or be defined to ____. | take at least one class member as an operand |
The ____ operator is the one operator that works with all classes without requiring an operator function. | assignment |
Operators ____ be redefined for C++’s built-in types. | cannot |
A suitable name for an operator function that adds two quantities would be ____. | operator+ |
Assuming a and b are objects with an overloaded == operator, rather than using the expression a == b we could have used the call ____. | a.operator == (b) |
If a and b are objects of type Date, the expression if (a == b) ____. | is valid |
In defining a member function, passing a reference is preferable to passing an object, because it reduces the function call’s ____. | overhead |
Operations on class objects that use C++’s built-in operator symbols are referred to as ____ functions. | operator |
The ____ operator can be redefined for class use. | + |
A(n) ____ diagram identifies the required object and lists its relevant attributes and behaviors. | object description |
Regarding an object, ____ define the properties of interest. | attributes |
From a coding standpoint, the friends list is simply a series of method prototype declarations preceded with the keyword ____ and included in the class declaration section | friend |
The term information hiding refers to the ____ and hiding of all implementation details. | encapsulation |
Functions that change an object’s data values are commonly referred to as ____. | mutator functions |
A mutator method ____ an object’s data values. | changes |
C++ constructors may be ____. | overloaded |
Date c = Date(4,1,2009) is a valid ____ language declaration for an object of a class named Date. | C |
When a constructor function is used in a declaration, parentheses should ____ be included for a zero parameter constructor. | never |
class ____ consists of the operations permitted to be performed on an object’s data members. | behavior |
Objects have the same relationship to classes as ____ do to C++ built-in data types. | variables |
A(n) ____ consists of a class’s public member method declarations and any supporting comments. | interface |
If a class designates all of its data members as private and all of its member functions as public, we must rely on ____ to access data members. | member functions |
When a new object is defined, memory is allocated for the object, and its data members are initialized automatically by a call to the class ____ method. | constructor |
The ____ operator is used to show a function’s membership in a class. | scope resolution |
The class ____ section is where the member methods declared in the declaration section are written to permit the initialization, assignment, and display capabilities implied by their names. | implementation |
Data members of a class are also known as ____ | instance variables |
Languages that use classes but do not provide inheritance and polymorphic features are referred to as ____ languages. | object-based |
A pointer ____ included as a parameter in a function header. | can be |
When an array is passed to a function, its ____ is the only item actually passed. | address |
Explicitly passing addresses to a function using the address operator effectively is a(n) ____. | pass by reference |
Adding 1 to a pointer causes the pointer to point to the ____. | next element of the type pointed to |
The manipulation of addresses using pointers ____ knowledge of the actual addresses. | generally does not require |
The only address required by the delete operator is the ____ address of the block of storage that was dynamically allocated. | starting |
Dynamic storage requests for scalar variables or arrays are made ____. | as part of a declaration or assignment statement |
Under a dynamic allocation scheme, the amount of storage to be allocated is determined and adjusted ____. | runtime |
If grade is an array, trying to store its address using the expression &grade results in a ____. | compiler error |
The purpose of an array name is to ____ the beginning of the array correctly. | locate |
For each array created, the name of the array becomes the name of the pointer constant created by the compiler for the array, and the ____ of the first location reserved for the array is stored in this pointer. | starting address |
When an offset is added to a pointer, the address in the pointer is ____. | not changed |
A pointer constant is ____ a pointer variable created by a programmer | very similar to |
Any subscript used by a programmer is automatically converted to a(n) ____ by the compiler. | equivalent pointer expression |
If grade is a single-dimension array containing five integers, and there are four bytes per integer, &grade[3] is computed as ____. | &grade[0] + (3 * 4) |
Using a reference to access the value of a variable operator symbol(*) is referred to as a(n) ____ | automatic dereference |
A reference is a pointer with ____ capabilities. | restricted |
For dynamic allocation of memory to create new variables as a program is running, pointers are ____. | required |
C++ requires that when we declare a pointer variable, we also specify the ____ of the variable that is pointed | data type |
Using a pointer to find the value of a variable is called ____. | indirect addressing |
Pointers are simply ____ that are used to store the addresses of other variables | variables |
The number of bytes required for an integer pointer is ____. | compiler-dependent |
For ____ data, the selection sort generally performs as well as or better than the bubble sort. | random |
A linear search is also known as a(n) ____ search. | sequential |
When passing an array to a called function, the function receives ____ array. | access to the actual |
A C-string is terminated with __ | the null character |
Consider the declarations const int ARRAYSIZE = 7; and double length[ARRAYSIZE] = 11.2};. How many elements will be initialized to zero? | three |
One-dimensional arrays are examples of a(n) ____ type. | structured |
Using ____ helps to eliminate the problem of using out of bounds indices. | symbolic constants |
The statement cin >>grade[4]>>prices[6]; causes ___values to be read and stored. | 2 |
Any expression that evaluates to a(n) ____ may be used as a subscript. | integer |
Referencing the first element of an array with an index of zero increases the ____ of the computer when it accesses array elements. | speed |
If an array is declared with the statements const int AA = 3;anddouble arrayA[AA];theindex of the last element in the array is ____. | 2 |
The statements const int NUMELS = 4; and char code[NUMELS]; create an array with storage reserved for ____. | four characters |
A one-dimensional array is a list of related values with the same ____ that is stored using a single group name. | data type |