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6th Grade Vocab List

Language Arts 6th Grade EOG Vocabulary List

affect influence, sway, change
alliteration The repetition of repeating consonants at the beginning of words when they are in a row
analyze To examine critically, to separate something into parts to understand how all the parts make a whole.
annotate To add critical or explanatory notes to a text.
antagonist The cause of the conflict. This doesn’t have to be a person.
argument A line of reasoning; exchange of views
assertion or claim A strong statement that something is true.
assonance The repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together.
assumption Something that is believed to be true without proof.
author's purpose The reason that the creator made a particular work, such as to entertain, to inform, or to persuade.
autobiography The true story of a person’s life written by that person.
biography True story of a person’s life written by someone other than that person.
cause and effect text structure Text structure in which the results of something are explained.
central idea or main idea The central theme or key concept that the author wants to express.
character A person, animal or imaginary creature in a work of literature.
characteristic A distinguishing feature or quality, a trait.
characterization The process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.
climax Part of the plot in which the most exciting part of story happens.
compare To examine two or more people or things in order to discover similarities between them.
compare and contrast text structure Text structure in which two or more things are described; similarities and differences are discussed.
conflict A struggle between opposing forces.
context The words, phrases, or passages that come before and after a particular word or passage in a speech or piece of writing and help to explain its full meaning.
contribute To be one of the factors that causes something.
criteria A standard of judgment or criticism; a rule or principle for evaluating or testing something. Plural is typically Criteria, and singular is typically Criterion.
debate Formal discussion that considers different sides of a question.
dialect The particular use of language spoken in a definite place by a distinctive group of people.
dialogue Words exchanged between and among characters.
effect Something that happens as a result of a cause. The impact a cause has on a surrounding environment.
elaboration The degree to which the main point or event is explained by specific details, descriptions, and reactions.
evaluate To determine the value or quality of given information.
evidence Something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion.
excerpt Extract from a book, piece of text, film, etc…
exposition Part of the plot that is the beginning of a story, introducing characters, setting, and the main conflict
fable A brief story that teaches a moral or a lesson that sometimes includes talking animals.
falling action Part of the plot in which the story is clearly winding down and reaching a conclusion.
fiction A narrative story using made up characters that is untrue.
figurative language Imaginative language used for effect that is not meant to be taken literally.
flashback An interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point.
folk tale A simple story that has been passed down through generations.
foreshadowing The use of clues to prepare a reader for future development in a work of literature.
hyperbole Extreme exaggeration used as figurative language.
imagery Words that appeal to the reader’s senses.
imply/implied When the meanings of words are not stated clearly in the context of the text, but rather suggested or hinted at.
infer To make a reasonable guess based on what you read in the text and your prior knowledge.
informational text Text that conveys information about the natural or social world.
informative/explanatory Writing that conveys information accurately in order to increase readers' knowledge of a subject, to help readers better understand a procedure or process, or to provide readers with enhanced comprehension of a concept.
legend A story handed down from the past and often mixes fact and fiction.
lyrics Words of a song.
memoir Historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.
metaphor A comparison of two unlike things in which something is called something else.
mood The atmosphere in a literary work or passage. The feeling the reader experiences as a result of the reading.
myth Traditional story about the origins or workings of the world, often with superhuman characters
narrative A story. It can be fiction or nonfiction.
narrator The person who tells the story.
nonfiction Writing that is about real people, places and things.
onomatopoeia Words whose sounds suggest their meanings.
opinion A personal view, attitude, or appraisal; a belief or judgment that falls short of absolute conviction, certainty, or positive knowledge; it is a conclusion that certain facts, ideas, etc., are probably true or likely to prove so.
personification Type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics.
plot The sequence of events that makes up the story.
point of view The perspective or angle from which a story is told.
predicting Using what you already know to make a logical conclusion as to what will happen in the future.
protagonist The main character in a story.
repetition Words or phrases are used more than once to add emphasis.
resolution Part of the plot in which the story concludes and loose ends are tied up.
reveal To disclose something that was unknown.
rhyme Repetition of sounds at the end of words.
rhyme scheme A regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem.
rising action Part of the plot in which the conflict develops and suspense builds.
sarcasm A kind of irony that is praise which is really an insult and usually involves malice or the desire to put someone down.
sensory language Writing or speech that appeals to one of more of the five senses.
sequence / process writing Information is organized in steps or a process is explained in the order in which it occurs.
setting The time and place of the action.
significance Importance; impact of something.
similes Use like or as to compare two unlike things and show similarities.
speaker The imaginary voice the poet uses when writing a poem. It is the character who tells the poem.
speech A form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an audience for a given purpose; formal public address.
stanza A group of lines in poetry which are usually similar in length and pattern.
summarize To condense or make concise the main ideas of a text; make a short, brief description of.
support To give valid reasons for what you want to do or your interpretation of a situation.
symbolism A word or object that stands for another word or object.
text structure How the text is organized.
textual evidence References made from the featured text to support a position or an argument.
theme A message about life or human nature conveyed by a work of literature.
tone The author’s attitude toward his or her subject and such as serious, humorous, or impatient.
transformation A complete change, usually into something with an improved appearance or usefulness.
verify To prove the truth of as by evidence or testimony; confirm, substantiate.
Created by: Poyzon
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