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GRE Study Words

Ambivalent unsure, indecisive
adulterate : to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element
Advocate to speak in favor of
Alacrity means an eager willingness to do something
Ambivalent (adj.) – having contradictory feelings
Antipathy extreme dislike
apathy 1 : lack of feeling or emotion : impassiveness 2 : lack of interest or concern : indifference
assuage releive something unpleasent, or moderate, ease, soften
audacious daring, bold, brave, overconfident, inpudent
Auspicious (adj.) – favorable
Belligerent (adj.) – Inclined to fighting
Bolster to support; prop up
Cacophony harsh, jarring noise
Capricious Becausunpredictable, whimsical - e Martha was so capricious her friends felt they could not rely on her.
Contrite (adj.) be remorseful.
corroborate : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
Deride to speak of or treat with contempt; to mock
desiccate to dry thoroughly; dry up
Disparate (adj.) If two things are fundamentally different, they are disparate. For instance, verbal skills and math skills are disparate
Dissonance a harsh and disagreeable combination, especially of sounds
Egregious (adj.) standing out in a bad way. In sports, an egregious foul would be called on a player who slugged another player
Enervate (v.) – to weaken; drain the energy from
engender 1 : beget, procreate 2 : to cause to exist or to develop : produce <policies that have engendered, to produce, cause, or give rise to
enigma Mystery, somebody or something that is not easily explained or understood
ephemeral 1 : lasting one day only <an ephemeral fever> 2 : lasting a very short time <ephemeral pleasures>
equivocal ambiguous, difficult to interpret, vague, raising doubts
Erudite (adj.) – scholarly
Esoteric (adj) – known to a select few
Eulogy speech in praise of someone
Extant (adj.) – in existence.
Fastidious (adj.) – nitpicky
fervid showing passionate enthusiasm
Garrulous tending to talk a lot
Inculpate (adj.) – to charge with wrong-doing; accuse
Ingenuous showing innocence or childlike simplicity
laconic using few words; expressing much in few words; concise:
laudable admirable worthy of praise, commendable
Loquacious (adj.) – talkative
lucid rational, easily understood
Magnanimous (adj.) – big-hearted; generous
Mercurial (adj.) – 1. Changing one’s personality often and unpredictably. 2. Animated, sprightly
Misanthrope a person who dislikes others
Obdurate hardening in feeling; resistant to persuasion
Ostentation excessive showiness
Paradox a contradiction or dilemma
Paucity (n.) Paucity is a lack of something. In honor of paucity, this entry will have a paucity of words.
pedant a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning
Philanthropy charity; a desire or effort to promote goodness
placate make somebody less angry, soothe and calm
Pragmatic (adj.) – practical
precipitate hurried, hasty
Prevaricate to lie or deviate from the truth
prodigal wasteful
propriety - conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners
Prosaic (adj.) dull and lacking imagination
Pugnacious (adj.) likes to aggressively argue about everything
Reticent (adj.) – tightlipped, not prone to saying much, reluctant
Sanguine (adj.) – cheerful; optimistic
Soporific (adj.) – inducing sleep
vacillate - to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute
Venerate to respect deeply
Waver to fluctuate between choices
zeal enthusiasm
Created by: l1234512345
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