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Word List 50

Volatiel - Zephyr

Volatile changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly
Volition act of making a conscious choice
Voluble fluent; glib; talkative <Voluble speaker>
Voracious having a huge appetite: ravenous; insatiable
Vortex whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence
Vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee
Voyeur Peeping Tom
Vulnerable susceptible to wounds
Vulpine like a fox; crafty
Waffle speak equivocally about an issue
Waft moved gently by wind or waves
Waggish mischievous; humorous; tricky
Waif homeless child or animal
Waive give up temporarily; yield
Wake trail of ship or other object through water; path or som
Wallow roll in; indulge in; become helpless
Wan having a pale or sickly color; pallid
Wanderlust strong longing to travel
Wane decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end
Wangle wiggle out; fake
Wanton unrestrained; willfully malicous; unchaste
Warble sing; babble
Warranted justified; authorized
Warranty guarantee; assurance by seller
Warren tunnels in which rabbits live; crowded conditions in which people live
Wary very cautious
Wastrel one who expends resources foolishly and self-indulgently: profligate; prodigal
Wax increase; grow
Waylay ambush; lie in wait
Wean accustom a baby not to nurse; give up a cherished activity
Weather endure the effects of weather or other forces
Welt mark from a beating or whipping
Welter (N) turmoil; bewildering jumble
Welter (V) wallow
Wheedle cajole; coax; deceive by flattery
Whelp young wolf, dog, tiger
Whet sharpen; stimulate
Whiff puff or gust (of air, scent)
Whimsical capricious; fanciful
Whinny neigh like a horse
Whit smallest speck
Whittle pare; cut of bits
Whorl ring of leaves around stem; ring
Willful intentional; headstrong
Wily cunning; arful
Wince shrink back; flinch
Windfall fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event
Winnow sift; separate good parts from bad
Winsome agreeable; gracious; engaging
Wispy thin; slight; barely discernible
Wistful vaguely longing; sadly pensive
Withdrawn introverted; remote
Wither shrivel; decay
Withhold refuse to give; hold back
Withstand stand up against; successfully resist
Witless foolish; idiotic
Witticism witty saying; wisecrack
Wizardry sorcery; magic
Wizened withered; shriveled; wrinkled
Woe deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering
Wont custom; habitual procedure
Worldly engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual
Wrangle quarrel; obtain through arguing; herd cattle
Wrath anger; fury <Full of wrath>
Wreak inflict; bring out; cause
Wrench pull; strain; twist
Wrest pull away; take by violence
Writ written command issued by a court
Writhe twist in coils; contort in pain
Wry twisted; with a humorous twist
Xenophobia fear or hatred of foreigners
Yen longing; urge
Yeoman man owning small estate; middle-class farmer
Yield (N) amount produced; crop; income on investment
Yield (V) give in; surrender
Yoke join together, unite
Yokel a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town
Yore time past
Zany crazy; comic
Zeal eager enthusiasm
Zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal
Zenith point directly overhead the sky; summit
Zephyr gentle breez; west wind <When these zephyrs blow, it is good to be in an open boat under a full sail.>
Created by: triwaingle
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