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Word List 7

Blunder - Canter

Blurt to utter impulsively
Bluster to be loud and noisy; empty threats
Bode to foreshadow; portend (to give an omen)
Bogus counterfeit; not authentic
Bohemian unconventional (in an artistic way)
Boisterous violent; rough; noisy
Bolster to support; to reinforce
Bolt (N) door bar; a fastening pin or screw; the length of fabric
Bolt (V) to dash or to dart off; fasten (a door); to gobble down
Bombardment an attack with bombs
Bombastic pompous; using inflated language
Boon blessing; benefit
Boorish rude; insensitive
Bouillon clear beef or chicken soup
Bountiful abundant; graciously generous
Bourgeois middle class; selfishly materialistic
Bovine cowlike; placid and dull
Bowdlerize to remove passages considered vulgar: to expurgate
Boycott to refrain from buying or using
Brackish somewhat salty; unpleasant or distasteful <He found the only wells in the area were brackish; drinking the water made him nauseous.>
Braggadocio boasting; cockiness <He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio.>
Braggart boaster
Brandish to wave around; to flourish
Bravado pretense display of bravery; swaggering (boasting)
Brawn muscular strength; sturdiness
Brazen contemptuous in speech or conduct; insolent
Breach breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap
Breadth width; extent
Brevity shortness or conciseness
Brindled tawny or grayish with streaks or sports
Bristling rising like bristles; showing irritation
Brittle easily broken or damaged; lacking warmth, sensitivity, or compassion
Broach to introduce; to open up
Brocade rich, figured fabric
Brochure pamphlet
Brooch ornamental clasp
Brook to tolerate; to endure
Browbeat to bully; to intimidate
Browse to graze; to skim or glance at casually
Brunt main impact or shock <His arm took the brunt of the blow.>
Brusque blunt; abrupt
Buccaneer pirate
Bucolic rustic; pastoral
Buffet to slap; batter; knock about
Buffoonery clowning
Bugaboo something that causes fear or worry; bugbear
Bullion gold and silver in the form of bars
Bulwark a defense wall; person who defends
Bungle to act or work clumsily or inadequately; to mishandle; to botch
Buoyant able to float; cheerful and optimistic
Bureaucracy overregulated administrative system marked by red tape
Burgeon to sprout; to flourish
Burlesque to give an imitation that ridicules
Burnish to make shiny by rubbing; polish
Buttress to support; to prop up
Buxom full-bosomed; plump; jolly
Cabal persons secretly united in a plot; club or group <a cabal of artist>
Cache hiding place
Cacophonous having a harsh or discordant sound; inharmonious
Cadaver corpse
Cadaverous like a corpse; pale
Cadence rhythmic rise and fall of words or sounds; beat
Cajole to coax; to wheedle
Calamity disaster; misery
Calculated deliberately planned; likely
Cauldron large kettle
Caliber ability; quality
Calligraphy beautiful writing; excellent penmanship
Callous hardened; unfeeling
Callow inexperience; immature
Calorific heat-producing
Calumny malicious misrepresentation; slander
Camaraderie good-fellowship
Cameo shell or jewel carved in relief; star's special appearance in a minor role in a film
Camouflage to disguise; to conceal
Canard a false story; exaggerate report
Candor frankness; open honesty
Canine related to dogs; doglike
Canker any ulcerous sore; any evil
Canny Careful, cautious; shrewd; skilled; thrifty
Canon the body of rules, principles, or standards; standard or criterion
Cant insincere expressions of piety; private language of the underworld
Cantankerous ill-humored; irritable
Cantata story set to music, to be sung by a chorus
Blunder error
Created by: triwaingle
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