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Q-S GRE Vocabulary

"Q" "R" & "S" Words

quaff to drink deeply
quagmire a situation that is difficult to get out of
quash to quell; to put an end to forcibly
querulous prone to complaining or grumbling; quarrelsome
query question; inquiry; doubt in the mind; reservation
quixotic foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
quotidian occurring or recurring daily; commonplace
raffish unconventional and slightly disreputable; carefree; vulgar
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment
rankle to irritate; to cause resentment
rarefy to make or become thin or less dense
recalcitrant obstinately resistant to authority; difficult to manage
recondite hidden; concealed; difficult to understand; obscure
reconnoiter to engage in reconnaissance
redolence the state of being fragrant, suggestive, or evocative
redress to set something right to make amends for
refulgent radiant; shining; brilliant
refute to disprove; to successfully argue against
regale to delight or entertain
relegate to forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position
renege to fail to honor a commitment; to break a promise
repartee witty conversation
reprehensible worthy of blame or censure
repudiate to refuse to have anything to do with; to disown
rescind to invalidate; to repeal; to retract
reverent marked by, feeling, or expressing profound awe and respect
rhetoric the art or study of effective use of language for communication and persuasion
risible causing laughter; laughable
rue to regret; to feel remorse or sorrow for
sagacious having a sound judgment; perceptive
salacious lascivious; lustful; obscene
salient prominent; relevant
salubrious promoting health or well-being
salutary wholesome; favorable to health
sanction authoritative permission or approval
sanguine cheerful; confident; optimistic
saturnine gloomy; dark; sullen
schism a split into factions
sedulous diligent; persistent; hard-working
shard a piece of broken pottery or glass
sidereal astral; relating to stars or constellations
sinecure a job that pays a salary but requires little work
sinuous winding; undulating
slake to satisfy or quench
sodden soaked or drenched
solicitous concerned and attentive; eager
solvent able to meet financial obligations; able to dissolve another substance
sophistry fallacious reasoning; faulty logic
soporific causing drowsiness; tending to induce sleep
sparse thin; not dense; arranged at widely spaced intervals
specious seemingly true, but actually being fallacious; misleadingly attractive
spendthrift one who spends money wastefully
sporadic occurring only occasionally, or in scattered instances
spurious lacking authenticity or validity; false; counterfeit
static not moving, active, or in motion; at rest
stentorian extremely loud and powerful
stupefy to stun, baffle, or amaze
stygian gloomy; dark
subpoena a court order requiring appearance and/or testimony
subtle not obvious; elusive; difficult to discern
succinct brief; concise
superfluous exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
surfeit excess; overindulgence
sybarite a person who leads a life of pleasure and luxury
sycophant someone who tries to get ahead through flattery and fawning
Created by: bj1white
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