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CHIM 1 Midterm Herb ID

He Ye (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Pu Gong Ying (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Bai Xian Pi (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Qin Pi (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Cang Er Zi (category) WARE
Fang Feng (category) WARE
Jing Jie (category) WARE
Qiang Huo (category) WARE
Zi Su Ye (category) WARE
Gao Ben (category) WARE
Man Jing Zi (category) CARE
Dan Dou Chi (category) CARE
Ge Gen (category) CARE
Sang Ye (category) CARE
Di Gu Pi (category) Clear Heat from Deficiency
Qing Hao (category) Clear Heat from Deficiency
Zi Cao (category) Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
Mu Dan Pi (category) Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
Ku Shen (category) Clear Heat, Dry Damp
Huang Qin (category) Clear Heat, Drain Damp
Lu Gen (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Jue Ming Zi (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Zhi Mu (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
He Ye (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Pu Gong Ying (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Bai Xian Pi (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Qin Pi (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Lu Dou (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Lu Dou (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Zi Su Ye (latin) Folium Perillae
Zi Su Ye (category+) WARE + Moves qi in the chest and abdomen: used to treat nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and fullness in the chest
Zi Su Ye (category+) Warm, Acrid, and Aromatic: Releases exterior wind-cold. Used to treat headache, nasal congestion, ATC, cough, pressure in the chest
Zi Su Ye (latin) Folium Perillae
Zi Su Ye (category+) WARE + Stabilizes pregnancy and benefits the mother. used to treat morning sickness and for calming restless fetus to avoid possible miscarriage
Zi Su Ye (category) WARE + antidote to food poisoning (especially from bad fish or crabs)
Zi Su Ye (category+) WARE (Add last few minutes of cooking—b/c it is aromatic!) Enters LU-SP. Dose 3-9g
Jing Jie (latin) Herba Schizonepetae
Jing Jie (category+) WARE (only slighly warm though) Used for Wind-Cold AND WInd-Heat
Jing Jie (latin) Herba Schizonepetae (Expels wind from the MUSCLES!) Used to reduce tremors and muscular cramps, including jockjaw, "d/t wind invading the muscle layer"
Jing Jie (category+) WARE (aromatic) + Expels wind from skin- used to treat itchy rashes, eczema, measles, early stage of carbuncles and abscesses
Jing Jie (category) WARE (and aromatic) Charred form (internal use) stops bleeding (from nose, hemorrhoids, "DUB")
Jing Jie (latin) Vents rashes and alleviates itching
Fang Feng (latin) Radix Saposhnikoviae
Fang Feng (field name) Siler Root (Ware, Acrid, Sweet)
Fang Feng (category+) WARE + "the MOIST herb in the wind-dispersing category"
Fang Feng (category+) WARE and "noted for its ability to revive the Spleen"
Fang Feng (latin) Officially WARE, but in practice used for Wind-Cold, WInd-Heat and especially Wind-Damp
Fang Feng (latin) Often used with Jing Jie to expel wind from the skin
Qiang Huo (latin) Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii
Qiang Huo (category+) WARE (also bitter and aromatic) + WCD (body aches, heavy limbs, OCCIPITAL headaches, heavy head, lack of desire to mvoe)
Qiang Huo (category+) WARE but also bitter and aromatic so useful for Wind Cold Damp and overall Dampness
Qiang Huo (category+) Guides to the Taiyang and Du channels (so good for occipital headaches)
Qiang Huo (latin) Rz et Rx Notoptergyii
Gao Ben (field name) Chinese lovage root
Gao Ben (category) WARE
Gao Ben (latin) Rz Ligustici
Gao Ben (indication) Used to treat WInd Cold when headache is predominant complaint
Gao Ben (category) WARE but also dispels WCD and is used to treat VERTEX headaches
Gao Ben (category) WARE and vertex headaches but also good for WCD so stiff muscles and joints and LB pain
Gao Ben (latin) Rz Ligustici
Gao Ben (indication) While indicated for vertex headaches, this herb is contraindicated for headaches due to Liver yang rising (or blood deficiency).
He Ye (latin) Folium Nelumbinis
Cang Er Zi (latin) Fructus Xanthi
Zhi Mu (latin) Rhizoma Anemarrhenae
Niu Bang Zi (latin) Fructus Arctii
Lu Gen (latin) Rhizoma Phragmitis
Ge Gen (latin) Radix Puerariae
Fang Feng (latin) Radix Saposhnikoviae
Mu Dan Pi (latin) Cortex Moutan
Qiang Huo (latin) Rhizoma et Radix Notoptergyi
Zi Su Ye (latin) Folium Perillae
Huang Qin (latin) Radix Scutellariae
Sang Ye (latin) Folium Mori
Jue Ming Zi (latin) Semen Cassiae
Pu Gong Ying (latin) Herba Taraxaci
Bai Xian Pi (latin) Cortex DICTAMNI
Qing Hao (latin) Herba Artemisiae Annuae
Dan Dou Chi (latin) Semen Sojae Preparatum
Jing Jie (latin) HERBA Schizonepetae
Zi Cao (latin) Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi
Ku Shen (latin) Radix Sophorae Flavescentis
Di Gu Pi (latin) Cortex Lycii
Lu Dou (latin) Semen Phaseoli Radiata
Qin Pi (latin) Cortex FRAXINI
Man Jing Zi (latin) Fructus VITICIS
He Ye (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Cang Er Zi (category) WARE
Zhi Mu (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Niu Bang Zi (category) CARE
Lu Gen (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Ge Gen (category) CARE
Fang Feng (category) WARE
Mu Dan Pi (category) Clear Heat, Cool Blood
Qiang Huo (category) WARE ***
Zi Su Ye (category) WARE
Huang Qin (category) Clear Heat, Drain Damp
Sang Ye (category) CARE
Jue Ming Zi (category) Clear Heat, Drain Fire
Pu Gong Ying (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Bai Xian Pi (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Qing Hao (category) Clear Heat from Deficiency
Dan Dou Chi (category) WARE/CARE
Jing Jie (category) WARE
Zi Cao (category) Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
Gao Ben (category) WARE
Ku Shen (category) Clear Heat, Dry Damp
Di Gu Pi (category) Clear Heat from Deficiency
Lu Dou (category) Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Qin Pi (category) Clear Heat, RESOLVE TOXICITY
Man Jing Zi (category) CARE
Created by: mrbarr
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