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why do we need standards 1. interoperability 2. comparability
what in interoperability the ability to exchange information
what are the levels of interoperability 1. basic 2. functional 3. semantic
what does the basic level of interoperability do allow messages to be exchanged between computer and systems
what does functional level of interoperability do describes the standard syntax of the message
what does syntax mean format
what does semantic level of interoperability do requires use of standard vocabularies within the message
what is comparability 1. it is the ability to ascertain the equivalence of data from different sources 2. ensures the meaning of the data is consistent when shared among different parties
what are codes uniquely identifies terms
what are classifications it groups related terms
what is vocabulary specialised, precise terms that remove ambiguity
name the 4 types of standards 1. systems 2. messaging 3. vocabulary 4. security
examples of a systems standard HL-7, ASTM and DICOM
2 types of interfaces of systems standard 1. customised interface 2. interface engine
what is a customised interface customised interface is specifically tailored for communications between 2 computers
what in an interface engine general purpose communication link
interface belongs to a class of software known as middleware
middleware is also known as message brokers
how does interface engine work incorporate message definition and manaagement tools and built in support for standard and common protocols
why are messaging standards essential 1. enables communication and sharing of consumer healthcare information between disparate systems without customised interfaces 2. enable building of & access to EHR through exchange of information in a consistent non-proprietary manner
examples of messaging stnadards HL-7 and DICOM
vocabulary standards requires the use of controlled terminologies
examples of vocabulary standards SNOMED-CT
what is SNOMED-CT Systemised Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Term
what are 4 categories of vocabularies 1. diagnosis 2. procedure & suppliers 3. diseases 4. Comprehensive Vocabularies
example of diagnosis vocabulary LOINC
what is LOINC Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes
example of procedures and suppliers vocabulary CPT
what is CPT Current Procedural Terminoloy
example of diseases vocabulary ICD-10
what is ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases and Related Problems Version 10
example of comprehensive vocabularies SNOMED-CT
what id the definition of SNOMED-CT a comprehensive clinical terminology that provides clinical content for clinical documentation and reporting
how does SNOMED-CT works it provides a standard for clinical information by coding, retrieving and analysing data
SNOMED -CT is managed by HTSDO
what is HTSDO Health Terminology Standards Development Organization
definition of LOINC facilitates exchange of results data by providing a universal standard for identifying laboratory observations
why do we need LOINC to identify observations in HL-7 called OBX segments
what is OBX-3 observation identifier
what if obx-5 observation value
the ICD-10 is published by World Health Organization (WHO)
definition of ICD-10 a international standard diagnostic classification and is for all general epidemiological, many management purposes and clinical use
what does ICD-10 do the system is designed to promote international comparability in collection, processing, classification and presentation of morbidity and mortality statistics
what are the 3 major areas that security standards cover 1. authentication 2. access 3. containment
why is security standards necessary it is required to identify necessary practices to maintain the confidentiality, integration and appropriate availability of health information
Created by: 656402553
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