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Vocabulario Español
50 Advanced english/spanish vocabulary
Term | Definition |
difundir | to diffuse |
sospechar | to suspect |
reiterar | to reiterate |
estrujar | to squeeze, ring, crush, etc. |
desfalcar | to embezzle |
el rincón | the corner |
el despacho | the office, dispatch, etc |
la sequía | the drought |
proveer | to provide |
acosar | to harass |
la manía | the craze, mania, obsession, etc. |
la choza | the hut |
de celo | zeal |
el sudor | sweat |
la soberanía | sovereignty |
el muelle | the dock (as in boat dock), also pier, etc. |
izar | to hoist |
la selva | jungle |
la contextura | texture |
gruñar | to growl |
el desgarro, desgarrar | to tear (paper) |
el mentón | chin |
asomar | to poke |
retroceder | to back up |
el hilillo | trickle |
el tiesto | flower pot or pot for cooking |
la quijada | jaw |
a medida | as |
los superficiales, el superficie | the surface |
el tajo | pit |
el zarpazo | a hard blow, bang, etc. |
agacharse | to bend over |
oliquear | to sniff |
el ademan | gesture |
los despojos | remains |
la apesta | the stink, reeking smeel |
acaso | perhaps |
el macho | male |
mear | to pee (animal - not sure if this works for humans) |
rociar | to sprinkle or splatter |
replicar | to answer |
el cañon | the cannon, or barrel of a gun |
la lona | canvas |
pulsera | bracelet |
el mechero | lighter |
balanza de baño | bathroom scale |
la escopeta | shotgun |
la munición | ammunition |