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Vocabulario Español

50 Advanced english/spanish vocabulary

difundir to diffuse
sospechar to suspect
reiterar to reiterate
estrujar to squeeze, ring, crush, etc.
desfalcar to embezzle
el rincón the corner
el despacho the office, dispatch, etc
la sequía the drought
proveer to provide
acosar to harass
la manía the craze, mania, obsession, etc.
la choza the hut
de celo zeal
el sudor sweat
la soberanía sovereignty
el muelle the dock (as in boat dock), also pier, etc.
izar to hoist
la selva jungle
la contextura texture
gruñar to growl
el desgarro, desgarrar to tear (paper)
el mentón chin
asomar to poke
retroceder to back up
el hilillo trickle
el tiesto flower pot or pot for cooking
la quijada jaw
a medida as
los superficiales, el superficie the surface
el tajo pit
el zarpazo a hard blow, bang, etc.
agacharse to bend over
oliquear to sniff
el ademan gesture
los despojos remains
la apesta the stink, reeking smeel
acaso perhaps
el macho male
mear to pee (animal - not sure if this works for humans)
rociar to sprinkle or splatter
replicar to answer
el cañon the cannon, or barrel of a gun
la lona canvas
pulsera bracelet
el mechero lighter
balanza de baño bathroom scale
la escopeta shotgun
la munición ammunition
Created by: 1277078993
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